Friday, February 4, 2011


I'll take it!  A beautiful sunrise this morning.

 By the time I got out to the barn, the beams were shining into Abbe and PC's stalls.

 Went through the drill....blah blah blah....

 The wind lowered the temperature....a good thing there was some solar action.

 As soon as I put the hay out...Sidney and Seymour crawl into it.

I needed to take 2 new cards down to the gallery today.  Goldfish....

and the Gucci/Phoebe Valentine.

When I was about to leave, Richard Hart came in.  He was in a show a couple of months ago and encouraged people to photograph candles that he had made.  
Below are two of his prints made from photographs.

 During the opening, he lit several candles and we took pictures throughout the evening.

Below are some of the candle shots I had taken.

Four of us took photographs and he made each of us a print from one of our shots.  They are at least
11 x 17 inches and he did a beautiful job with them.  So abstract looking!  I love the one he did for me.

Home in time for lunch.
Then, at 2pm Mary Pat and Sally arrived to pick up some cards.  We enjoyed some tangerine/orange tea and the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever eaten (thank you Mary Pat).

Before she left, I took Sally out to see the horses.  While standing by the gate, King Mustafa walked right over to her.

 You'd think they were long lost buddies.

What a great way to spend the afternoon.

Then, it was time for a quick shower and I was off to the college for First Friday.
The melting caused by the sun has created some pretty big icicles on many of the houses.

 Greg Turner generally provides live piano and today was no exception.  It sure adds to the event.

Guess who was there WITHOUT HIS CAMERA!

 There was a huge crowd this afternoon.

It would not be First Friday without Clyde.

 Gary and Dan facilitated a drawing for a couple of outstanding sweatshirts.  Today the Director of Athletics introduced the new "brand" that is going to be used for all sporting events.

Jenny showed up around 5.  She and Carol spent a lot of time comparing notes.

I got home around 5:30...changed my clothes and went out to do chores...rush rush rush.

It looked to me like the ponies had been rolling in the indoor.
Time to rest. Night all.

PS - I am participating in Verde Farms "Farm Friend Friday" today.  Click on that logo on my sidebar to visit other interesting farms around the country.


  1. We had sun too today - it helps make up for the cold wind!

  2. I just love those pictures of the sunrise, barn and animals! Very nice.

  3. I almost went to First Friday as well, but once Dad was home from a long day of work we just vegged. Looks like you had a good time. Love all the sunshine.

  4. Nice to see some sunshine. We haven't had much lately.

  5. My gosh! It looks like you had sunshine all day. We had a brilliant morning, but then the clouds came in and I could have sworn it would snow (it didn't.) Funny thing, the Doppler Radar never showed those clouds.

  6. That sun beaming into the stalls = magnficent!

  7. Nice to see you here too! Our drum circle hasn't met in a while, different members keep having health issues...time to get it going again. I really love the candle photographs! Your farm life always has a good mix of people and animals. I fear I'm spending too much time talking with just the animals!!!


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