Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Pretty cold this morning.  Once again, I let the pups run around for a minute and put them back in the house.  A little snow was falling and the wind was coming out of the east.

When the conditions are like this, the overhang comes in handy.

I put part of the hay along the barn wall and the rest just outside of the west edge.  That way, they could be protected from the wind.

Mustafa was a perfect gentleman this morning.  When I took his hay over to the run-in, he followed me and I didn't have to touch him.  He is in the groove (and probably liked being out of the elements).

I had to go down to Wegmans to get a few bags of groceries.  Like all the other people shopping, I wanted to be prepared in case the weather gets real ugly.

Got home and prepared for my class.  Sandy finished her preliminary drawing of the three horses and transferred to her good paper.

After missing in action for a year, John J. came back and continued to work on a watercolor he had started in 2010.

Mel finished his watercolor of the buffalo.  Love the boldness.

Now he is working on a drawing of Rose...(one of the dogs from Bedlam Farm/Jon Katz).

Tina started on a papier mache project and I did not get a picture of it!

Below is a watercolor John painted in another art class.  He will be working on the water to finish it up.

Barb had chore duty tonight.  I spent the late afternoon signing cards and getting them ready for the gallery tomorrow.  Who knows if it will even be open.

Dinner?  Something different.  Maery Rose (over at Cowgirl by Proxy) posted a picture of some sweet potato fries and made me hungry for them.

Tonight was the night.  I roasted them.

Gary fried up some onions....

I put together my version of a Philly Cheese Steak Panini.

When I was at the store, I bought 1/4 pound of London Broil at the deli.  Just enough for two.
Had some Swiss cheese sliced very thin.  Put it altogether....

Brushed both sides with a little olive oil and slipped them onto the Griddler.

Voila! A pub style dinner.  Yum.

Seymour and Sid spent part of the day outside and then went to the barn with Barb.  When she left, those two and L'orange came up to the house.  Thor is gone again.  I'm glad!  I wonder where he comes from.

The dogs and cats love the fire as much as I do.  So relaxing.


Gary's at a meeting....my bridge game was cancelled, and now I am going to hit the couch.  Let's see what tomorrow brings.

Night all.


  1. HELLO!!! I've missed your last few posts and as always enjoy catching up and marvel at your beautiful pictures and the talent of those in your class!

    This latest storm is going to totally miss us--We're only going to be getting rain--I'd rather have the snow!! Stay safe and warm!!

  2. Hunker down and sit the storm out...that's what we are doing here as well! Snow forever it seems! Panini looks delicious...what am I going to do, I can't go out now..the stores are closed.

  3. I hope the storm misses you, Lori. It's been bitterly cold here, but we have less than an inch of snow. Stay warm! Does L'Orange come in the house these days?

  4. Brrr. I enjoyed the pic of Mel with the plant behind his head....at first I thought he was wearing an indian head dress....he he.

  5. Hopefully it doesn't bring a snow storm, Love your header of the pups.

  6. Your student's artwork is beautiful. I hope that the storm is not too bad. Now I am craving those fries!

  7. I must say--you eat well!!! Your dinner always looks delicious--I think I'm going to have to "step up my game"--my cooking has slowed down abit the last few years. Ironically, I too fixed sweet potato fries (in the oven) for dinner. Stay warm--we all seem to be in the deep freeze.

  8. You sure have some lucky cats and dogs; it's easy to see they love their home.
    Stay warm!

  9. As usual enjoyed my visit here and catching up. Love your cards...


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