Monday, February 14, 2011


 What a beautiful morning!  Supposedly, it was 47 degrees.

A lot of melting had occurred and the driveway was glare ice.

The weatherman said rain was on the way, the temperature was going to drop, and then snow!

So, I put hay nets under the shed roof and some loose hay in the paddock.

Didn't the wind start blowing like crazy?

Most of the paddock had a little texture to it, but there were several areas with ice.  I did my best to my it safe for the ponies.

By the time I got back to the house, the temperature had already started dropping and we had a couple of bursts of rain.  Lovely.

You can see how stressful it is for L'orange to be in the house.
Had lunch and called the message therapist to make an appointment.  She had time today at 3:30, so I was happy to get in.  This print is in her office.

Of course I had to take a few shots of the fish.

Monday night...dinner with Jenny and the boys.  Home around 4:30 and got a few things ready to take down (I never bake, and actually made chocolate/peanut butter chip cookies with granola in them).
Out to do evening chores around 5:20 and the wind was still wild.  I use these buckets to set up the grain, beet pulp, supplements and, if they are lucky, 1 or 2 pieces of carrot.  I pick the paddock every may go down to 10 and I didn't want any frozen manure hanging around.  It's like being on automatic pilot.

Hurry!  Hurry!  Supposed to be there by 6.  (Pulled in at 6:15...the story of my life when I have chore duty).

Tonight I made a salad with mixed greens, orange, clementine, banana, craisins, walnuts, 1 tablespoon of crumbly blue and Good Seasons Italian Dressing.  Refreshing.

Jenny made a fabulous meatloaf...peas....

 sauteed mushrooms with red wine...

mashed potatoes and gravy...corn muffins from Barb.
  What a great meal.

Finn and Coop were meatballs!

 Jen has turned into a great cook! What a dinner!

When we finished eating, we skyped Ariana out in Nevada for some lively conversation.

Home now, and ready for a cupa tea.  Going to watch a new TV show that starts at 10.
It's called Harry's Law and stars Kathy Bates.  One of the few good shows out there.  Have you seen it?

Night all.


  1. You feasted tonight!! I've never tried bananas in salad but it looks tasty.

  2. we had a lot of wind today too but thankfully no rain nor ice. your ponies are beautiful as is your orange cat. food looks awesome too!

  3. Oh, man, am I hungry! We had a thaw this weekend. It was so warm I took off Luke's winter blanket and put on his better fitting sheet. Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. I love Kathy Bates...I have seen it and I'm really bummed I forgot it was on tonight. Too much going on, I guess. I'll check for it online tomorrow (thanks for the reminder).

    Cold isn't fun is it? I have -30, but wind is as bad or worse so I'm thankful I don't have that to deal with.

  5. Sounds like my day...cept after skating to the barn in the morning, I drove back at dinner time...can't take the chance of falling again with my fibro. I already did that 2 weeks ago. Then made dinner for hubby and mom and then to a caregivers meeting with my neighbor. Came home at 9 waited to watch Harry's Law and fell asleep and missed the whole thing. Great....8>)

  6. Found your blog from Diane. That meatloaf looks wonderful. Makes me want to make one today. You have a great blog. But the with horses and cats, it's a winner to start. :)

  7. Hey Lori! Glad I found you, it's Lindsay from Avon. I didn't know you blogged... come share your stories on every Tuesday. We have a blog link party.

  8. I did some slipping and sliding on my side of Rochester, as well. Today ought to be even more fun, though the sun is shining. That meatloaf looks yummy. It might be time to do a make and freeze.

    I like Harry's Law, though I didn't watch it last night. I watched the Westminster Dog Show instead. It'll finish up tonight, with the Best of Show.

  9. You are so good to those animals--a beautiful thing to see, Lori. Love the salad, too, and all the pics. Haven't seen the Kathy Bates show yet, tho love her.

  10. Your pictures are beautiful as always! Love the sky shots. L'Orange is never going to go back out...ha ha He looks as if he is directing from his throne.

  11. I would never think to put bananas in a salad! How pretty and yummy. Speaking of new tv shows, have you watched An Idiot Abroad? On the science channel, done by Ricky Gervais - hilarious.

  12. No haven't heard of that show, but we haven't had a TV since 1999. I can get some shows on the internet but rarely do we watch.

    We are having mud-ice-snow weather.
    Lovely though, it is supposed to get to 47 today.

    Everything is fog and ice on our flat spots.

    Love your yummy foods!


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