Friday, February 11, 2011


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So what's happening around Skoog Farm today?  More of the same.

At sunrise, the temperature was -3 degrees with a windchill of -13.  I was not thrilled.  Once again, it looked beautiful and did not feel good at all.


The shadows, however, were beautiful.

The light was beaming into the kitchen before I went out to the barn.

I put the beet pulp and 4 gallons of hot water on my trusty little sled, and was on my way.  (Went back and got 4 more).

Fortunately, on these past several extremely cold days, the solar has come through for the ponies.

Lots and lots of hay....

 Have to keep them warm....


Berlin got right in my face when I was taking her picture.

The only good news....we have not had to shovel for several days.

Father Foozi was taking a sunbath.

I didn't let Gucci and Phoebe out until it warmed up a little.

They got in their usual run....

Yesterday while I was at Copy Town, Carol and Topper came up to go cross country skiing with Gary.  The snow was deep, but they said it was great, especially when they got back on the trails in the woods.

Now, I have to take more cards down to the gallery.  Be back later.

Here's the rest of the story.....

Some time ago, our friend Tina gave us this hibiscus plant.  Last summer I left it outside and it grew like crazy.  Today it started to bloom.

Spent part of the afternoon with my butt to the fire while I read the newspaper.  It almost put me to sleep.

All of my pals kept me company.

Went out to do chores a little after 5.  It warmed up quite a bit this afternoon.  Gary installed a new feeder for Masterpiece...much nicer than the corner style.

Before I went out,  put some boneless pork ribs in the oven.  Onions, green peppers and homemade bbq sauce.

A side of Rosa Marina with peas....

and another salad with pears, craisins and walnuts.  I buy pears by the bag, and they have to get eaten before spoiling.  We love pear salads.

What a delicious combination.

After dinner I took a shower and went in to Brockport to play bridge.  It was a couples duplicate group and I was a sub along with my partner Pete M. .  At the end we had some good hands.
Gary used to play, but is no longer interested.

Home a little after 11.  Now I am ready to hit the sack.
Night all.


  1. What a wonderful farm you have! Do you feed the beet pulp to the horses? I haven't heard of that! Thanks for dropping by the farm today! Come again!

  2. Love your sky shots the color is unique. Happy weekend and stay warm!
    Sky Watch Friday

  3. Love the shadows, the light, and as always, those horse's faces.
    I've sent off my order for your cards--can't wait to see them 'in the flesh.'

  4. Love your ponies....we are goin through the hay like crazy here, too!!

    Happy Farm Friends Friday!!

  5. Father Foozi--is he the official welcomer at the entrance to your lane?


    A woman who searched the night sky
    Discovered a star way up high
    That twinkled and glowed
    And lit up the road
    So now she can see where things lie!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Western Sunset


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