Thursday, February 3, 2011


 When I saw the sunrise, I knew it was going to be a beautiful day.

 In addition to the 7 inches of heavier snow we got yesterday, about 4 or 5 inches of nice light, fluffy flakes were on the ground.

 Picture perfect.

 I let the dogs and cats out around 7:15 and the sunlight was brilliant.

 Sidney demonstrated how you get into the basement.

 He went in....

 and he came out.

All this before I got out to the barn.

Check out the snow....

 I shoveled before starting chores and started feeding a little later than usual.

 Look at that sky!

 Who else but me would shovel a paddock?

 When the entourage went back to the house, Sidney did some tree climbing.

 Big Bird got toppled in the snow.  Frozen, and we can't get him up.

 I absolutely can't wait until my classes (and drumming) can be back out in the studio.

This afternoon we did something very fun.
 We were invited over to Roger's home theater/screening room to see the movie "Secretariat."
Tina and I have been waiting to see it for a long time.

 I loved it....

 It was well bad language....something a family could watch.

Picked up L'orange Marmalade at the animal hospital on the way home, with just enough time to get ready for chores.

 While I did that, Gary made dinner.

 Perfect comfort food on a cold night.  Scrambled eggs, homefries and raisin toast.

Now for a special note to Terry and Louise.  Look who is in the house tonight.....

I am happy to say, that in the past 24 hours, 20 of my cards were sold.  I am so psyched.  Thank you friends from near and far!

Night all.


  1. Thanks for the kind birthday greetings and yes... The 3 Dog Bakery is a gold mine! Your pictures today look like so beautiful and with the storm gone...away...:-)

  2. Snow SUN!

    Nothing like it

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    Gung Hee Fat Choy!


    Good Luck in the
    Year of the Golden Rabbit!

  3. Secretariat was pretty good - I enjoyed it too.

    You got plenty of snow - glad you didn't get more!

    Love how cats like to go in, and out . . . and in, and out . . .

  4. The sun was so bright and the sky so blue....almost shocking after all the gray. Your pictures are great.

    L'orange looks very comfortable and happy!

  5. So much to see and so different from the tropics, thanks !

  6. Lovely sunrise. I really liked the photo of the windmill behind the branches. We had a nice one on some property several years ago--my husband sold it--he has been hearing about it from me ever since!!!!

  7. Yes, your skies were very beautiful!! We are not seeing blue...snowed today, but mild temps. Aren't those horses spoiled? :)

  8. Thank you for posting a picture of l'Orange. I wondered how he was doing. I just love him...

  9. It's L'Orange! He looks splendid on your rug.
    What a beautiful day you had, in every way.

  10. Beautiful!!! We had to scrape our paddock so the minis could get around. I am sure that your horses appreciate the effort! You need one of those snow throwers that go on the front of a 4 wheeler. One swipe and you are done. I sure would love to at least try one of those. Congrats on your card sells!!! L'Oraange looks a little stunned. Ha.

  11. I know that blue sky against the white snow and you've captured it so well. The air smells so good then.
    Here we are having rain rain rain, which is our due, I suppose.
    Just made my card list and if our company would take a nap, I'd order some today.

  12. I just watched Secretariat too! I agree - well done. It was fun to pick out local spots and neat to see Penny Chenery at the end.

  13. I missed L'Orange's picture earlier, don't know how. He looks like he's been an indoor cat his entire life. I'm glad to see that he's doing so well. Uh, does he use the litter box?


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