Monday, January 24, 2011


Jeepers!  It was -10 this morning.  I was dressed for it and still got chapped legs.

What a gorgeous sunrise.

It's funny, the horses don't seem to show discomfort no matter what the weather is.  Yes, they have on two coats, and yes I try to put their hay in the sun and yes, they are spoiled rotten.


My old thermometer said it was about -3 around 8am.

 By 9:30 the sun really made a difference.

I vegged most of the afternoon and tried to take a nap but it didn't work.  I woke up a little after 5 (as I went to bed too early) and could not go back to sleep.

Got things going for dinner (Monday night - Jen and the boys) and went out to do chores.

This is what it looked like just before dark.  Just enough light to see the house and barns.

 Used whatever I had to make a salad.  Mango, banana blah blah blah.

 Jen wanted pasta.  I would highly recommend this sauce....  saute onions, red peppers and crumbled sweet Italian sausage....add a couple cans of diced tomatoes (or your homemade sauce), a little sugar, salt, fresh ground pepper and 3 or 4 tablespoons of Romano cheese...maybe just a little red wine.  Cook down and serve over your favorite pasta.  You will love it.

 I would have preferred a different salad, but that's what I had available.  Greens, onion, Greek olives, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, homemade croutons and some good Italian dressing would have been much better.

 The boys ate very well never know at that age.

  When we finished, Cooper wanted to draw....

 while Finn did his homework....

After that, all hell broke loose.  They wanted to do "skin the cat" and a few other gymnastic moves.

 Fortunately they survived...way too much energy!

They left before 8, Gary has the dishes done, I'm going to wrap this up....

...and here is a special video for Sally (Sidney and Seymour's biggest fan).

Night all.  Tomorrow it just might hit 34 degrees.   (Kate is sending the weather to me from Chicago!)


  1. Hey, that's the best part of having horses - spoiling them! We love our hay burners. I hope you warm up soon, Lori. That's just too darn cold.

  2. Each banner is more beautiful than the one before!
    It's pretty cold here too, (high of -16 C. today) but the Labs stil seem to enjoy playing outside - brrr.
    I love your salad - it looks sooo good.

  3. Your photos are absolutely great. I had a wonderful time visiting your blog...

    Have a great week.

  4. Your pasta sauce is a must try. It sounds easy and so yummy!

  5. what about knitted stockings and boots for the poor horses?

  6. MAGNIFICIENT sunraise and the cold......I can not tell....but it seems to me a little bit too chilly....!!

    I love the way you spoil your gorgeous bet...I have got a very spoiled horse too...!!

    The banana-exoticly- looking salad would be just right now my type of thing...mmmmhhh!!!!

    Funny little boys...I love their happy spirit!!!

    ciao ciao elvira

    p.s. (talking about your mentioning the "attached barn to the house"....: I saw recently a home which was divided to the horsestable with a huge glasswindow...The horses actually always in sight..!!!!Outrageous...I was thinking of you...!)

  7. You should be good to go for the next several days - we're into the 20s here so you should be warmer.

  8. Thanks, Lori....very cute kids, too!

    Hopefully this mornings temps. are better.

  9. Bananas on a salad? Now how cool is that!

  10. Brrrr........I hope it warms up a little for you today! Looks like a fun night. The cat video is cute.

  11. Thank goodness it's warming up today. That cold was getting to the unbearable stage. But, at least your horses were nice and warm under their two blankies. And yes, you spoil them, and yes, you should. All of your animals are lucky.

  12. You sound tired and cold, girl, but you still manage to snap some beautiful pics and whip up some tasty food. Will have to give that sauce a try! Cute cat video, too.

  13. I'll have to try the pasta sauce. Sounds simple, yet good. We are on the same temperature roller coaster. It was -24 one morning when I got up. Now it's supposed to get up into the 30's by Thursday, then drop back down again. Wheee!

    Luke stays outside but there is a run-in up against the barn and he seems to be doing fine. His feeds been about doubled and I might pick up a supplement with some extra fat in it as his feed is only 2% fat and he could probably use more in this cold.

  14. The horses do look content.

    I hope your weather warms up as expected.


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