Sunday, January 2, 2011


If you get through this entire post, you are a real trooper.

Considerably cooler this morning.  The weatherman said we had a high of 56 yesterday, and at 7:30am it was in the 20s.  On with the heavy Rambos.

This was Barb's last day of vacation and like all the other days, she spent part of it helping me.  Am I lucky or what?

L'orange surfaced, even tho Gucci was in the vicinity.  I had to keep telling her to leave him alone...and she did!

This is not the best shot of King Mustafa, but I have to share another very special thing with you that concerns him.  This morning I got an email from a person I never met, who used to ride and show him.
She found my Journal through the HMS newsletter where there were several pictures of KM.  Once she got to my blog, she started reading and here is part of a quote she made:

"I want to tell you that I hope when I'm all grown up I can live a life like you seem to have created for yourself.  I have been career-minded my whole (young) life, but when I read your blog I get excited about what life after a 9-5 might look like. Tending a small herd of horses, cats and dogs, having an historic facility with modern amenities, singing in a community chorus, making a variety of delicious meals and spending lots of time with friends and family seems like a wonderful existence."

Let me say...that made my day.  I hope I have the opportunity to meet her.

Does this shot of the Studio look like it was taken January 2nd?

Before noon it started to snow, and did not look like this anymore

 Meanwhile, Seymour and Sid were happy to get back in a warm house.

 Does this kitten want to be a model or what?

Ditto for Phoebe....

At 11:30 we had to leave for Rochester to help Jenny.  Packed up 3 Christmas plants and we were on our way.

It was snowing a lot harder in Rochester.

We arrived at the County Office Building by 12:15.

It is an exceptional piece of architecture....

and houses the chambers for the County Legislature.

Our daughter has worked there for the past several years as the Chief of Staff for the Democratic Caucus. 

Tomorrow she starts a new job, and will really miss being in this beautiful space.

Elvira!  Could this not be in Italia?

Why were we here?  For the swearing in ceremony for Harry Bronson....who was newly elected to the State Assembly.  Jenny will become his Chief of Staff tomorrow.

 We helped set up the refreshments...

and listened to the music performed by a jazz trio.

Good sounds....

The Chamber was packed.  A very supportive audience.

May I introduce Harry Bronson....

and his COS....Jen.

I had to get a picture of her with Viola (a clerk at the leg) as they are going to be missing each other.

We left by 2:20.

Relaxed for awhile when we got home, and then went out to do chores.  Guess who was back helping me?

Earlier, I had thawed out some turkey and gravy left over from Thanksgiving.  What a smart move.

Tonights salad was greens, onion, craisins, walnuts and an orange.

I heated the turkey up in the gravy....made us each two pieces of toast and put together hot turkey sandwiches.  Comfort food for sure.

After a long day, it is now tea time with butt to the fire.
Night all.


  1. Congratulations to Jenny on her new job. I'm sure she'll do great!

  2. Hope your daughter enjoys her new position. I also like reading about the e-mail you received from the young reader. It is always nice to have others appreciate what you are doing/how you are living. Have a great week.

  3. Crazy day!But filled with your life, your daughter's life, pets' lives, food, fun,'s always a pleasure to visit your journal,though I always am left with a sense of "how does this lady do it?!)
    Happy New Year!

  4. I have got to stop reading your blog last thing at night, because I have to have something to eat after I read it! Drat, drat, drat! Anyway, KM's rider did a good job of expressing why we enjoy your blog so much. And I loved the tour of the County Office Building. It's glorious.

  5. I loved the "Imagine" music...nice to listen to as I read...I made it to the end!

  6. I'm a trooper and got to the end. It is always interesting to know what you have accomplished every day. You must be very proud of your daughter. You with your butt to the fire and me in my air conditioning to avoid the stifling humidity.

  7. What a busy amazing day. Your grass looks so green!
    Congrats to your daughter and what a lovely ceremony and place she will be working in!

    That must be very exciting!

    Hug all your critters for me also.

  8. I am a trooper as well:)) How could I not get to the end of this inspiring post? You know, that e-mail you shared... I feel the same way. I admire your zest for life and how full it is with animals, friends, family, art, ... You truly are an inspiration.

  9. Good luck to Jen, in her new job. It ought to be challenging, and exciting!

  10. Congratulations to your little girl! The building does look rather Italian.
    Just wanted to drop by and wish you and your family a wonderful 2011. May you have health and happiness all through the year.

  11. What kind words KM's former rider sent you. She does echo my sentiments for reading your blog, fully!

    Congrats to your daughter what an honour! And wow that building is fabulous!

  12. love your critters. I watched and listened to the jazz trio and thought "where's the female singing Imagine with them?" and then realized the two aren't connected!

  13. Great post, as always. Congratulations to Jen. I'm developing quite an attachment to l'Orange. And, again, an awesome dinner. 'night!

  14. I really love the way you 'feed' us at the end of a long day (for you, at least)!


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