Saturday, January 22, 2011


It was about 10 degrees when I got up this morning...expected it to be much colder.  We had a beautiful  sunrise.

Today I dragged four gallons of hot water out to the barn, along with my soaked beet pulp.  Barb had already plugged in the heater for the trough.

I closed off the pastures and opened up the ring so the ponies would have something different to do.

That beautiful sunrise turned into a muddy sky.

....and finally turned blue.

All the ponies were bundled up and prepared for colder temperatures.

When everything was finished, I let Mustafa out with the others.

Before too long, the body language started....

"Hey!  Don't come near this pile of hay!"

Nothing stuff.

When I got back in the house, I let out the dogs and any cats who were interested.  Did not take them to the barn for chores because it was just too cold.  They did their thing for a few minutes and were ready to head back in.

Yes, Gucci was sticking out her tongue at me.....

Then it was time for some raisin toast and OJ.  Made the whole kitchen smell great.

Started cleaning the house, as I really wanted to go to drumming this afternoon.

Phoebe wanted to play ball, and Seymour jumped in the dryer while I was taking out clothes.  He wanted to stay in there and had to be pulled out.

Next on my list...setting the dining room table for six.

Am posting this part now, as my day is jammed up and I don't have time to do all of it later.  Hopefully I can grab a couple of interesting shots as things progress.   Later.....

Went to drumming and lasted for 2 hours and 45 minutes...had to go to Wegmans on the way home and friends were coming to dinner at 6.

When I arrived (after 4:30) went into high gear.  Combined carrots, brussel sprouts and potatoes which were roasted.  Topped them with sea salt, fresh ground pepper, dill, parsley and olive oil before popping them in the oven.

 Gary sauteed some onions, added mushrooms and then white wine.

Set up a couple of appetizers and only took pictures of this one...oranges and Greek olives.  Also had a spread made from raspberry/jalapeno jam and cream cheese that we put on rice crackers....some almonds too.

Ann brought a phenomenal salad.  Below, she was just setting it up.

Even tho is was about 10 degrees, Gary grilled steaks outside.

Brenda was a sport and went out to check on him.

The salad included greens, pears, toasted nuts and a dressing made with maple syrup.  Blue cheese for those who wanted it.

Finally it was time to eat.

Everything was ready.

The steaks were sliced into thin strips and were surrounded with the mushrooms and onions.

The roasted veggies were just right.

It turned out to be one of the best meals ever.  This group knows how to cook and enjoy great food.
All of this was done to Doo Wop music in the background.

Phoebe has known Brenda for years, and loves to spend time with her.

We took a little break before dessert, catching up on all the local news.

Here is my favorite shot of the night.  A candle through the water pitcher.

Brenda brought a delish lemon pie (which we devoured) and then we were off to sit by the fire.

Another great time with good friends.
Night all.


  1. Just wait, tonight and tomorrow are supposed to be the really brutal times. Have fun drumming and at your dinner tonight.

  2. Just another busy day in your world!! I'm holed up in the house with a head cold and thankful I don't have to do anything if I don't want to.

  3. I hope you're enjoying your day and staying warm--Cold here in Virginia too, but not a snowflake in sight!

  4. Beautiful shots of the sky this morning. I can see Gucci is definitely sticking out that tongue :) HOpe you had fun drumming and looks like a nice dinner ahead.

  5. Good call on the small animals making the barn trip. When it's cold, we don't let Clifford come to the barn. He lays right by the door waiting for us. Guilt trip!

  6. Love those morning skies, and all your animals with their attitudes. Enjoy your fun filled day.

  7. Another lovely, peaceful day at the Skoog Farm. The dinner looked splendid.
    Mustafa's quite a grouch about his food.
    Have a good Sunday.

  8. Everytime I visit your amazing farm via this blog I come away inspired to make something new...and that salad is going to be on my table tonight! Thank You!!

  9. It's so cold at yours.
    The drums makes me remind that Le Cheval has learnt drums a few years ago. But the teacher went away in another school. So he stopped learning. He did enjoy it.
    Have a nice green sunday.


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