Friday, January 14, 2011


Part 1 for today was my post for Skywatch Friday (below).

Part 2....the regular groove for the day.

L'orange is one smart cat.  Spends the night in the basement and goes to the barn during the day.

This was the ideal winter morning.

It was bright and the temperature rose to 30 degrees.


Gary finished cleaning up the driveway...not too much snow this morning.

The sculptures....covered by three feet of snow.

The dogs and cats were loving the weather.

Gary helped me finish in the house after 10.

Made a quick trip down to Wegmans after lunch.

Ventured out with my camera late afternoon.

The most beautiful part of the day.

 Back inside 'til chore time.

Part 3 - How to make sweet potato salad...

In separate pots, boil 4 regular potatoes, 2 sweet potatoes and 2 eggs.

Drain, let cool and place in a bowl.  Drizzle with a shot of Good Season's Italian Dressing.

Chop up a little dill pickle.

Add salt, pepper, celery salt and dill weed.

Toss, then add mayo and mustard.

When you mix it, the sweet potatoes become "mashed" and the white potatoes stay cubed.  Try it!  A delicious and different potato salad.

Part 4 - The art opening at A Different Path Gallery

Richard Hart was one of the three artists in the show.  Yesterday I posted three of his prints of candles.
Tonight he set several up and anyone could photograph them.  I went for it.

He will select someone's photograph and make a print of it.

Here is a quick look at the show.

The sculpture was created by Heather Boyd and the oil paintings were by Kenneth Townsend.
The rest...Richard Hart.



 owner taking pictures of the candles.

Kathy's husband, Stewart.  Can't wait to see the shots taken with his spectacular camera.

Great food...from Java Junction....

An outstanding show.  If you live in the area, check it out.

While I was at it, took a few more shots in the shop.

 I love the would too.

There is something for everyone.... and all created by local artists.

New bags that have not been displayed yet.

All of the work in this photo was done by the gallery/shop owner...Kathy Weston.  We are so lucky to have something of this quality in our little village.

I don't know about you, but I have reached my capacity.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful day Lori. The pics of the barn with the picket fence and swing are my favorites--so beautiful. Card material :)

  2. It was a very pretty day today in Cincinnati as well. Unfortunately, i watched it from my office window =(

    I will have to try that salad it sounds wonderful!

  3. That IS a nice gallery - thanks for sharing! We have lots of galleries in different sections of the city. I will try to get to one of the first Friday's and take some shots for you!

  4. love your animals pics and the barn scenes! sounds like a full day! always wanted one of those little camera tripods you have. need to get one. pretty chest with painting perched on top. take care and stay warm!

  5. Love those nice winter days! You've got a nice selection of stores/galleries/restaurants where you are - wish we were as fortunate.

  6. What a great gallery - you're so lucky to have someplace like that nearby. And you have a reasonable amount of snow. A sensible amount, unlike us. We're getting more tonight and again on Tuesday.

  7. The horses in the snow are delightful shots. The potato salad sounds yummy I will try that tomorrow. Thanks. The Art show looked fun.

  8. I've decided that I have a wee bit of cat envy. I kind of covet L'Orange. Glad he's got a good home with you. But, I'm waiting to see how long it takes before he graduates from the basement to the house, along with Sidney and Seymour.

    Your barn shots are lovely, as always. And, the gallery pictures were interesting to see.

  9. Beautiful post !
    I've just published one of your pictures (snowman) on my blog of exercises for children :
    I'll tell you how many times it has been downloaded.
    Now I'm going to the club. It's riding time. We have a beautiful sunny afternoon.
    See you soon

  10. You captured the feeling of our warm sun, blue skies, and drip, drip of melting ice. A day to enjoy before the next blast of winter to come this weekend.

    Like the shot inside with the afternoon sun streaming through the windows to light your delightful art. Lovely!

  11. Funny how sun and thirty degree temps are inviting! I love that sculpture at the art show.

  12. Love your animal shots ESPECIALLY the horses and CATS!

  13. I will have to try that potato salad! I have had on similar. Instead of eggs it had quinoa. Looks delicious. Beautiful artwork and I love your candle shots.

  14. You're very lucky to have so much culture around you and it's very kind of you to share it. Thank you, it's inspiring.

    I'm also a bit jealous of your light. We've got more snow than you have, but you have much more light. Here the sun barely makes it over the horizon this time of year

  15. Another great day! Love all your pics--esp. your candle pics today.

  16. I agree with Louise - L'Orange is a very handsome boy. The snow pictures are beautiful, but I hope it warms up soon.
    I like your art work better than the gellery - how's the notecard project coming along?

  17. Hi Lori!
    I'm baaaack :)

    Wonderful pictures and paintings and other works of art!

    I laughed b/c that purple horse reminds me of my little girl Lily Bear Guppie Lips and I bought the card of that painting at the Denver Airport last month! You have good taste :D

    We had a wonderful trip-I will share more soon!

    Nice to catch up and see the ponies and puppies and kitties all looking good!
    Hugs your way,


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