Sunday, December 12, 2010


We were supposed to start having bad weather today.  There was no rain when I went out to the barn, but it was a mucky mess.  The temperature stayed in the mid thirties and we were temporarily spared.

Barb helped with chores so we were done early.

Just in case things turned bad, we put the hay nets up under the shed roof.

We were able to clean up the paddock before another freeze made it more difficult.

 The (relatively) mild temperatures drew the cats out.

 I noticed Sid looking up....

Seymour was in the tree over the horses.

I took a quick trip down to Wegmans to get a few things.  Home in time for a shower before drumming.

 Forgot to take photographs, but did a short video of Jeff demonstrating where we could be (in the next decade).

 We learned a lot today.  Now all I need to do is practice.

 At 4:30 we had to leave for a Chorus performance.

After a very grey day, the sun decided to appear.

Our ride to Churchville did not even take 10 minutes.

By then, it was just about dark.  Earlier, we had thick fog down to the you can just see a little mist coming up from the frozen creek.

We arrived just before they were ready to have dinner.

It was for the Retired Teachers Association and this would be the third year for us to perform.

We were served salads at the table and then went through a buffet line.  It was not the usual pasta menu and tasted great.


Before we performed, there was a warm up in the mansion next to the dining area.  The accustics were fabulous!  If only we could sound like that all the time.

I could not sing and take pictures of the chorus at the same time...but I did get a shot of the Barbershop Group.  They sounded better than ever!  The rest of us did well tonight too.

Here I am getting ready to leave the building.  Home before 8.
Over and out.
Night all.


  1. Adorable shot/self photo!
    Good day into night. Enjoyed seeing all the festively dressed folks! Creative image in the red orniment too.
    Well...hunker those animals down...and take care!

  2. "clean the paddock before another freeze made it more difficult"... I know what that means!
    Love the photo of Seymour the Intrepid, and love the clip of the drumming. And the food!

  3. You sure cram a lot into one day. The retired teachers evening looked a lot of fun. I would have liked to be there. I love the moving shot of the sunset.

  4. All the ladies looked so beautiful dressed up. I wish I could be there to hear you sing!

  5. freaky optical illusion. pic with cat on fence, looks like he has antlers!

  6. Love the shots of the cats on the fence. Also, looks like a great get together.

  7. The party looked like it was great fun and very chic. You do so much in a day, simply amazing!

  8. Wonderful photos and enjoyed seeing yours!


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