Monday, December 6, 2010


A very cold morning.  The dogs went out with me (coats on) and did not last all that long.

Gar went down to Java for coffee and when he got back, helped me with stalls.  I was way behind, as I changed a couple of blankets and did some shoveling.

L'orange Marmalade is not afraid to be out in the snow.  He spends the day in the barn and comes up to the house at night.  He goes into the basement some of the time (so I know he can go in and out if he wants to).  Very social.

I cleaned off my car and headed down to Country Max to pick up some grain.  Ran into someone I had not seen for years and we talked for at least half an hour.  Both of our girls had her for a teacher in the early elementary grades.

Next, I came across this little cutie who was there with her Mom.  I have known her grandparents for years.  Guess what!  She has seen my blog and knows about the cats, dogs and ponies.  In fact, she wants a real live pony for Christmas.  Since they don't have a farm, I invited her over to visit and would love to do a photo shoot with the horses.  Won't that be special?

Had a rather relaxed afternoon.

So did my pals....

I don't think it ever got out of the 20s and it kept snowing off and on.  We may have a few more inches by morning.

Did chores a little early. Being Monday Jen was making dinner for our weekly get together and I wanted to take a shower before going to Brockport.

Dinner was breakfast.  And a darn good one.

She makes the best pancakes from scratch.  Real maple syrup and sausage on the side.

The gas fireplace put out some heat, but it's not the same as a real wood fire....
felt good, just the same.

Kevin found a perfect Christmas tree yesterday and had it all set up.

Tonight Cooper and Finn helped Jen with the decorating.   Sweet.

I look forward to seeing the finished product.

On the way home I took a few shots of the lights that are popping up all over the place.


Home by 8:30 and ready to watch the end of "The Closer."

Night all.


  1. Oh, all the fresh snow looks so lovely. I wish it was warm enough to snow here..supposed to be -20 to -30 all week. Hmmmm. Looks like a good time with Finn and Coop. Jen has a very pretty tree.

  2. Great shots of decorating the tree. Did i read right, "pancakes with male syrup and sausage"???

  3. lori
    you have just put me in the holiday mood!!!

  4. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

  5. Wonderful photos -especially like the kids n bulbs, which I know is much harder than it looks to take! A very Christmasy post!

  6. L'orange is such a beautiful cat! He looks like he is a rather large guy. I had an orange kitty once and L'orange looks so much like him. Beautiful tree and Christmas lights!

  7. Mrs. Skoog - Thank you for adding my Natalie to your pics... she loved seeing herself on the computer amongst all of your horse pictures. We will deifinitely take you up on your offer to let her visit the farm one day, she would LOVE that.

    Thanks again,



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