Saturday, December 4, 2010


 No beautiful sunrise today...just cold and grey.  It snowed off and on with no great accumulation.

Gary and Barb helped with chores and I was back in the house before 9.

There's Barb, doin' her thing.

Spent several hours cleaning the house and making meatballs for tonight.  24 for students past and present.

At 1pm I threw my drum in the car and headed down to the college.

For some stupid reason, I thought I could fit drumming in, even tho I had those people coming at 6.
What a bust.  I was tired and not focused.  It was by for the most difficult session I have participated in.  Makes me wonder if I should even be there.

Home at 4:15 and finished up the preparations for dinner.  Lucky for me, it was Barb's night to do chores.

Of course we had a ton of food (again).  Started off with cheese/crackers/pears....fried ravioli dipped in marinara sauce...shrimp/cocktail sauce,  Pioneer Woman potato skins and Jean brought seafood chowder.

Everyone brought fabulous dishes and we were able to eat like kings.

You know how pot luck can be.  Two green salads, chicken casserole, mac and cheese,
jello/carrot/pineapple salad, roasted veggies, tomato/rice/sausage casserole, meatballs....etc.

As if that was not enough...we had dessert! 
Chocolate everything with the works.

 Talk about rolling home.

Everyone was very chatty and happy to be together for a nice meal and reconnecting.

I was going to put Seymour and Sid in the basement, but they seemed very comfortable with the crowd.  Phoebe and Gucci are used to it.

Everyone left by 10...I threw some more wood on the fire and can't wait to finish this post!

'Tis the season.

Night all.

PS  I got two interesting things today.  Check them out.

First, an unsigned Christmas Card from the Stites.  His portraits are so good!  They look exactly like the drawing.

And second!!!!!!!  The Victorian portrait of the pups.  What a gas!

If you live in this area...take your dogs down to Once Imagined and have their pictures taken.


  1. You sure know how to entertain. The meal looked delicious and everyone having fun. That's life!!

  2. That sure is a lot of guests for dinner! The photo of the dogs wasn't what I was expected. Pretty funny.

  3. Oh, the dog picture is beyond cute!!! Do you think their characters fit the dresses?

    Looks like you had a very interesting and full day. Where do you find all this energy??

  4. Hi Lori. Your dogs look just like some of the Aunts I was blessed with as a child.
    Warm regards, Mike.

  5. I don't know how everyone doesn't weigh about 500 pounds around you! Such good looking food. Looks like you are getting the same snow that we are.


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