Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Well, we had about 5 more inches of snow last night...much to my surprise I saw some blue skies before I finished chores.  Just because I was in a hurry this looked like I was going to have some bad times with the Pone.... She did not want her hay cubes and did not touch her grain.  She did not act like it was a colic problem but I was concerned.  Her ears were pinned back and just did not look happy.  I let her out and the first thing she did, was to go over by King Mustafa.  This 30 year old girl was in heat.  In the meantime, I continued to work on the stalls and kept an eye on her.  Around 10 I brought her into the back stall of the run-in and offered her the food she left....yey! She ate it all.

I shoveled a path to the grooming room and L'orange went with me.  DEEP snow.

Pony was much happier by the time everything was finished in the barn.  I was supposed to be at Chorus, and still had to take a shower and get dressed for two performances we were having today.

So happy it was not snowing.

Well, at least it was not snowing very much.

There's no doubt about it!  Sunshine has an amazing power over us.

Notice the snow piles....

It's almost half way up the people door in the front of the Arena.

I finally got my act together around 11 and drove to Brockport.

It was snowing like crazy in the village (just a little over 3 miles from the farm).

We were horrible at our rehearsal and at 11:30 went downstairs to sing for the Senior Center.

They had all kinds of refreshments for thoughtful.

Santa showed up and told us all about how his wife drives the reindeer.

Gar stayed for lunch and I went home to check on Pony.  By 12:30 the sky looked like this.  A real upper.

At 2:30 we performed at a nursing home located at Lakeside Memorial Hospital.
The residents were all smiles when we sang songs they were familiar with.

 There's our pal Tom!

Got home at 3:30 and started on dinner.  At 5, went out to do chores....Gary finished shoveling the driveway....AGAIN!

L'orange was waiting for me...

and Gucci kept bugging him.

 This is what the driveway looked like around 6pm.

I have not said much about dinner in awhile.  Tonight it was a good one.

The main dish was a cauliflower casserole.  First I threw some cauliflower, onions and carrots into a pot of water...when it came to a boil I added some chicken boullion.  In the meantime I hard boiled 3 eggs.  Next, I made a white sauce...added some of the stock from the veggies and a little skim milk.  When it thickened I grated some extra sharp cheddar cheese into the sauce.  The secret ingredient????
Honey mustard...about a tablespoon.   Put it in the oven to have all the flavors blend together and during the last few minutes added the slice eggs.  Believe me...this is DEEElicious.

The salad....leaf lettuce, mango, banana, onion, dried cranberries and carmelized pineapple.

I"m going to save most of it to serve as a side with sesame chicken and lomain.


Gary had a 7 o'clock meeting.  My body aches from shoveling and all I want to do is start a fire in the kitchen and put my back up to it.

Night all.


  1. You need a 4-wheeler with a plow. Or hire a teenager in need of money (aren't they all) to shovel and save your backs. You do plenty of other work to stay healthy...shoveling doesn't have to be one of them! Hope you enjoyed your fire time.

  2. Happy Sunny day to ya too..The sun is shining here beautiful..But its still cold here...We have lots of snow too..Stay warm my friend hugs...

  3. So glad it was a false alarm with the Pony. It's not the hours, the weather, or the work that's the hard part of taking care of horses for me - it's the worry.


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