Thursday, December 23, 2010


Well, I'm still not back in my groove yet...  Got out to the barn a little after 7:30...fed my little herd and cleaned the stalls.  I love the shavings we put in yesterday.  Mixed with the sawdust, everything is much fluffier.  Above is what used to be Pony's it is an apartment for L'orange and holds grooming tools, blankets, muck buckets etc.  It's big enough for grooming a horse.

Keep in mind, that this barn is over 110 years old.  It is primitive inside....a basement barn....but I love it.  Many years ago, cows lived here.  As we have lost horses, walls have been torn down and all the stalls are huge.  This one is about 11 x 24.  (Berlin's).  The beams are trees that still have the bark on them.  There are mats underneath and I normally bed with sawdust.  The shavings are a bonus.

Gucci is demonstrating how beautiful they are...

The center aisle ceiling is low...(higher in the stalls) but all the horses have adjusted to it...

When I was ready to go back to the house it started to snow a little bit.

The horses actually spent part of the time in a pasture (where they like to roll).

 The snow has gone down considerably and they have at least 60% of the paddock packed down.  Much easier to keep picked that way.

King Mustafa's stall has always been next to Pony's and he kept looking for her last night.  Today, not so much.

 I think that Abbe is the one who has been affected the most...sweet girl.

When I got in, Phoebe was over exerting herself....

Sid and Gucci were watching me to see what was next on the agenda.

First, I made an appointment with my Doctor for 2:30.  This cold has been going on too long...plugged up, but not coughing too much.  Just wanted to make sure I did not have an infection.  Turned out that I don't.  Will try to keep my head cleared out with some Pseudafed and hot showers.

The next thing I did...was to highlight my hair.  It is very short and wearing hats all the time makes is so flat I could not stand looking for body, I went for it.

Out for evening chores at 5.  L'orange loves to hang out in his new "cubicle."  Cozy.

Before I went out, I stir fried some chicken.   Our entire dinner consisted of a gigantic salad.  Green leaf lettuce with apples, pears, grapes, onion, chicken, walnuts and crumbly blue.  It was superb!  If someone would just make big salads for me about four times a week.....

Once again, I want to thank all of you for your recent comments about Pony.  I'm sure she has loved hearing them.

As for the procrastination...we are having 23 people for a Christmas Eve pot luck tomorrow night and I have not done a thing.

Night all.


  1. I'm sorry Lori, I'm just now sitting down for the first time in days and I just read about your beloved Pony. I am sorry an I hope you find solace in that she had a wonderful life with you. Not many horses can say that.

    I would love to see your barn, it sounds like what I would want for my own, old with history and heritage.

    Those cookies LOVE wonderful!

  2. That is quite a party! Good luck getting ready. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun with some of the best food. How lucky!!

  3. I love your historic barn! It has character. And your stalls are huge. Ours are 12x16.
    L'orange looks very cozy.
    Hugs to King Mustafa, Abbe and you.

  4. I love the picture of Phoebe. She looks so comfy exerting herself. Merry Christmas to you!

  5. I'm very sorry for Pony. It's always so sad though it's the logical end of the life.
    He got a nice existence at yours. I think it's the thing to remember.

    L'orange seems to know what he wants and how to get it. There is a cat who looks like him here. I do not know who he belongs. Many cats crosses the garden. As they are a little fat, we think they eat well and live in the surrounds.
    See you soon

  6. Your old barn is lovely - it's nice to see one of the old ones preserved and taken care of. Sending you and all of yours wishes for a lovely Christmas.

  7. Oh, you'll have a wonderful time! And I'm betting the eats will be fabulous. Make sure you take plenty of pictures, so we all can enjoy.

    Have a Merry Christmas, Lori. May the blessing of the season blunt the sorrow you feel about losing Pony.

  8. Love the barn, love the new shavings, love the salad! I'm sure your pot luck will be cozy and perfect, no matter what you do (or don't do). Merry, merry--


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