Friday, December 17, 2010


The usual start to the day....I was pretty much finished with chores by the time Gar got home from coffee.  How sweet it was to have a relatively mild morning.

Pony thought it was nice enough to take a nap.

After I finished the stalls, the pups and I went over to Higbies to pick up some beet pulp.  Gee whiz!  The roads were even bare.

Got back in time to take a shower before going on to lunch with Tina and Roger at....where else...
The Carlton Four Seasons Restaurant, better known to us as the Carlton Grill.

This little place is out in a rural, agricultural hamlet just south of Lake Ontario, but boy, does it ever have outstanding food.

I have taken you here many, many times.
It was nicely decorated.

I had a BLT Wrap and Gary had a fish fry.  Roger and Tina had Crab Cakes.  We ALL had French fries.

As per usual, Chef Steve did a great job.

On the way home we drove through Albion.

You have been here too.  So much outstanding architecture.

Roger told us about a new restaurant that is almost ready to open, so Gar drove us over to see what it looked like.  It's right in the middle of a residential neighborhood.

The name of it is "The Crooked Door."  They spared no expense putting this old place back in shape.  New windows, siding, floors....beautiful!  The bar area is classic.  It backs right up to the Erie Canal and is going to make a lot of boaters very happy.

There is a loft overlooking the dining room....when you look out the windows from May - November... you'll be able to see all the boats going by.  Right now, the water has been drained out of the Canal so you can't really get a feel for it.

Gary and Roger got the whole tour from the basement to the top floor.  What a project!  We look forward to dining there.

On the way home we stopped in Brockport (see post below).

At 5 I went out to do chores....with all the dogs and cats.

No big dinner tonight.  Whatever....and a nice fire.
Night all.


  1. What a handsome town Lori. And I like the look of your Carlton Grill. REAL fist and chips there Gari!!!

  2. You had a very full day. I wish the Carlton Grill weren't so far away from me. The food looks wonderful!

  3. Love your kitty in the header..looks very much like mine.
    Amd the archtiecture I love too...nice images!
    Ronelle xx

  4. The water gets drained out of the canal?? I never knew that!


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