Sunday, December 26, 2010


Barb and I did morning chores.  Did not take long at all.  Grey and windy....the weatherman said it caused us to be down in single digits part of the day.

After we finished (about 9), I went back to the house and took a hot shower so I could brave the lines and return something at Kohls.  The sales were off the charts.  I spent $73 and save $151...they were practically giving things away.

On the way home I drove past the Seymour Library so I could take a picture and send it to author Jon Katz (of Bedlam Farm, Best Seller books, photographer etc.).  I have been communicating with him for over two years and would love to have him visit Brockport.  Not too long ago he set up his own tour of local libraries and announced it through Face Book and The Bedlam Farm Journal.  Random house normally does the usual promotion.  People came from far and near to have the opportunity to meet him.  Do you know who Jon Katz is?  Would you like to meet him at the Seymour Library?  As soon as I figure out how to pull this altogether, I will let you know.  He often brings one of his dogs along (he has 4).  My students have produced several paintings and drawings of some of the animals that have lived at Bedlam Farm.  I will have to post some.  Anyway...I am very anxious to meet him and his new wife Maria (who happens to be a fabulous artist).  A couple of days ago Jon emailed me and said he would come for a visit...I sure hope it can happen.  He really has a soft spot for libraries and wants to make sure they stay in operation.

I got home mid afternoon and did nothing...

At sunset I was ready to go out and do chores....forgot that Barb was doing them tonight.  What a pleasant surprise.

Phoebe and I were in the same mode.

Around 5 Sidney finally came in the house.  He and Seymour have been staying out all day...In the barns?  Basement?

I'm going to have to think of something exciting to post tomorrow.  Today was pretty mellow.

Off to the fire and a cuppa tea.
Night all.


  1. Doing nothing is often the best choice. I happen to love Jon Katz and his books...and his dogs! Wish I were closer, I would love to attend one of his visits.

  2. Mellow is good. The day after Christmas is a day for kicking back, anyways.

  3. Single digits! Ugh! Stay warm, Lori.

  4. Warm slippers, hot coffee and few cookies never hurt anyone!

  5. Everything seems hard to do when it's very cold.
    On the T.V. we saw pictures from New York and Boston, so much snow there. The situation seems better at yours.
    Hope the winter won't be too hard.
    See you soon

  6. Gotta love those coveralls! That is what I wear constantly in this weather!

    Get rested up!


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