Sunday, December 19, 2010


Nothing unusual about chores this beautiful snow to be shoveled.

Gucci and Phoebe look for L'orange everytime they go out to the barn.  Usually the cat jumps up on the rafters but today there was a standoff.  The dogs just don't get the fact that he belongs here.... I can keep Gucci from chasing L'orange if I'm right there.

Miss Abbe came in to clean up.  You would love her...she's like a puppy.

Barb got a brush for this boy and we are working on a beautiful coat.

Once again, we did not hit 30, but there was no wind and I could unplug the heater in the water trough.

At 10, Elizabeth, Samantha and Matthew came over to check out the horses.  They just moved up here from Florida and Sam misses her old barn.   She and Abbe got along beautifully.

Abbe joined us wherever we went on the tour.

For the first time in a week the ponies ventured out to the pasture for a good roll...then they got frisky and ran to the outdoor ring.

They must have appreciated the milder weather....

 After that, I went into the house...made some good old fashioned rice in front of the fire (then moved to the couch) and watched a couple of movies.  It was a struggle to keep my eyes open.

Never left the property.

Started on dinner and went out to do chores a little before 5.  It was very peaceful out there.

Gary got out his cross country skis and broke a trail yesterday.  Even with all the cold weather, it was wet and muddy under the snow.  Not the greatest conditions.  I have not gone out yet.  Hopefully my knee can handle the motion.

 Here is a very simple recipe for some very tasty rice pudding.  Scald 7 cups of milk (I used skim) the meantime heat your oven to 350 degrees.  Place 1/2 cup uncooked rice, 2/3 cup sugar, a sprinkle of salt and a couple teaspoons of vanilla in a greased casserole.  Add the milk and bake for 2 hours, stirring the crusty top into the pudding 2 or 3 times.  Don't overbake or it will be dry.  I take it out while it is still a little creamy.  Perfect for Christmas dinner.   (As you can see, we already have eaten some).

For dinner tonight we had boneless pork chops with carmalized onions, acorn squash and a carrot and apple salad with walnuts.

In the winter (or anytime) when you don't have greens for a salad...grate 2 or three carrots, dice up a big apple....add some walnuts...stir in some fresh lemon juice and finish off with a couple of tablespoons of mayo.  You can also add dried cranberries or raisins.

I also had cranberry sauce on the side.

Methinks it is time for a nice hot shower so I can get back into my prone mode.
Night all.


  1. It was so nice to see the horses running and playing!
    Drat, now I have to have a snack.

  2. Your horse pictures are always a delight to see. They bring back many happy memories of when I had horses.
    I will have to try your recipe, I love rice pudding.
    Stay warm.
    ☼ Sunny

  3. Hi Lori. It was lovely to see your mature horses playing so coltishly.

  4. Abbe is so cute! Loved the video of the horses. Looks like they are enjoying the warmer conditions.

  5. Your horses look like they enjoyed themselves. That carrot recipe sounds wonderful -- and easy, always a plus for me. I've written it down.

  6. I've never known someone to cook such delicious looking meals all the time. Loved the photos of the horses, the dog, cat, the little video. I have enjoyed seeing a few different seasons at your place since I found your blog. Winter is gorgeous there but fall...ohhhhhhh.

  7. Nice of you to give the recipe of your pudding. I think it may be good with dry grapes also (raisin )
    We'll try to make one for the breakfast.
    Have a nice Christmas period.


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