Thursday, December 16, 2010


Now, I have a full blown cold...Gary is in the middle of one...Jen didn't feel that great today and Finn and Cooper both have colds.  Guess we have been spending too much time together!  So when the temperature was up a little this morning and there very little new snow on the ground, I was most appreciative.  It may be near 30 for the next 7 days!

It was good to see a little color in the sky for a change.

By the time I got out to the barn it looked pretty encouraging.

Got a good jump on chores before Gary came home from coffee....and he helped me finish the stalls.

I opened up a door to the pasture, but not one horse ventured out there.  The snow must just be too deep.

They stayed in the front paddock all day....

Sidney provided the entertainment this morning.

L'orange also made contributions.

Around 2 I drove down to Brenda and Al's to return her camera.  I had to borrow it last night as for the first time!!!!! I walked out of the house without mine.  Duh!  Tootsie Louise was there to greet me.

They were watching the Dog Whisperer...she really tunes in, especially when there is barking.

Al was getting ready to work on some of his wood carvings.  I'm amazed at how a chunk of wood can turn into something so beautiful.

Here are some examples of his finished work.  I was shooting through glass so they are not particularly clear...but you get the idea.  He is a master!

From there, I went on to do a little Christmas shopping and I did not get home until 4:30.  After a greyish day, the sunset was looking pretty good.

Gary left for a meeting and I went out to do chores.

Fortunately I had thawed out some meatballs and sauce, so dinner was easy....again.  You must think we eat a lot of pasta.  It was just a perfect night for it.

At this time of the year, I make a "winter" salad.  Don't usually by tomatoes, so tonight
we had leaf lettuce, onion, red cabbage, carrots and a balsamic dressing with gorganzola cheese. 

Who doesn't love comfort food?
Night all!


  1. The cats sure don't seem to be bothered by the weather. I hope you'll be over your cold soon.

  2. Sorry to hear you all have colds. Even the horses wouldn't go out must be bad. We have 33 but Celsius (92F) Ouch 30F is -1C.....thats cold . It never gets that cild here.

  3. Hope you feel better soon. At least it is warming up a bit.

  4. Hope you feel better soon. At least it is warming up a bit.

  5. The food looks delicious! Hope you feel better and those beautiful birds Al

  6. Those carved birds are gorgeous!
    I had to go into the city for Christmas shopping yesterday - it seemed like every single person had a cold!


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