Monday, November 29, 2010



A nice entrance to the day....

Gar went down for coffee and a walk...I did chores solo.  Was on automatic pilot.

Then, the cats entertained me and I did the post below.  After that, it was time for a bike ride.  We can't have too many more days like this.  Only took a few pictures.

I love this stone house...the grounds are meticulous too.

The other day when I rode and it rained, they were taking Christmas Trees out of the farm below.  They spend a lot of time pruning, and it shows.

Now there is an even bigger mountain of logs down the road.  Ed and his partner are going to be splitting wood into eternity.

Home again, home again....

Not the longest ride, but at least I got out there.

and today's more way to have turkey salad...with thin sliced apples, lettuce and cranberry orange relish.  I'm pretty much turkeyed out.

Ran a couple of frustrated trying to get some photos printed (for a small book) at the UPS store...finally back home and got ready for dinner with Jen and the boys (it's Monday).

The late afternoon sun was brilliant, but by 5 o'clock it was pretty dark.  Did evening chores.

Had just enough time to finish dinner before the crew arrived a little after 6.
We had burgers, oven roasted white and sweet potatoes and Jen brought a salad with sun dried tomatoes and pine nuts.

The kids ate like champs...

 Then we played a couple of games of Sequence and they were ready to go by 7:45.

 Finn took a picture of Cooper....

and Coop took a shot of Finn...

A very cozy evening.

As for tomorrow, it is supposed to start raining and should continue through Wednesday.  This does not make me very happy as the front paddock just started drying out.

Tea time.
Night all.


  1. Your Monday night suppers seem like the best kind of time.

  2. Ooo, I like those evening photos! And that stone house is something else.

  3. Wish I had that pile of wood! You and I have a 70 degree differance (it is -30*) and I am out of split wood. Boiler is running like crazy....

  4. It looked a bright sunny day but probably cold for me. Well done on your bike ride. I keep thinking to take my daughters bike out of storage from under our house and start riding again.

  5. There's something so comforting about walking back into a warm, glowing house after tucking in the horses in the early dark. I'm not looking forward to the rain they are predicting either, but at least it's not snow yet!

  6. Hi Lori,
    love the header pic! Also the night photos. You have such a lovely farm!

  7. Yesterday was beautiful, wasn't it? Today, meh, not so much. It's a good day to curl up with a book. Sigh, or get some housework done. Wish I was rich, I need a maid.

  8. It sure doesn't look like winter there! A bike ride?! We had a couple days of above freezing weather and rain yesterday. Almost all the snow was gone but then it came back down again today. I'm hoping it sticks this time.

  9. Wow, that's a lot of wood to chop up. Always fun seeing pics of the boys and the food you show always looks so good. I haven't been cooking much lately because having the house up for sale (hasn't sold yet) I like to try and keep things neat and besides it's an excuse to eat out a lot.

    Enjoyed the post.

    I love your cat banner.

  10. Loved the post, your home stories always make me wish I could come and live that new header too.


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