Monday, November 15, 2010


We just keep having one more beautiful sunrise than the next...


By the time I go out to the barn, the sun is much higher and the redness has disappeared.

It's rays shine through the barn windows.

The temperature was near 50 sheets.

Sidney is a player....

Gucci likes to flush out resting cats....

Phoebe is the mellow one....

Gary finished putting the shingles on the back roof yesterday...he did a great job.

The dogs were guarding the property when I left for my bike ride.

I'm trying to take you to different places since I am documenting my rides...  Today I headed south and rode down the road we live on.  It's very busy and people fly by in their cars.  Fortunately, the shoulder is about eight feet wide.  The next few shots show you the variety in architecture.

The house below is called Gingerbread Manor and is a B and B.

This gorgeous brick home has been in the Brown family for many years.  I believe the current residents are about to move.  It is full of history and reminds me of a "northern plantation house."

Almost all the rides I have taken, pass by a large variety of barns.

Because I am not in great shape...this was my most difficult trip.  Several hills and upgrades. I was very happy to see the farm at the end of my ride.

Seeing that it was Monday, I had to figure out what we were going to have for dinner with Jen and the boys.  Went to the bank and store then started on some Apple Betty for dessert and mac and cheese for the main course.

Barb and our farrier arrived around 3:15.  King Mustafa was due for a trim.

When they were finished, John let his dog (Duncan) out of his truck to stretch his legs.

 Duncan had been going on calls with him since he was just a pup.

I got everything ready and went out to do chores at 5:15....pretty dark.

As soon as Jen, Coop and Finn arrived...we sat right down to eat.

Of course the boys didn't want Apple Betty....they opted for Mexican Sundaes.

This was followed by a quick game of Sequence.

It's just 8pm and I am going to go watch some dancing.
Night all.


  1. Wow! Some really nice early morning captures. We have been having some cold, gray mornings. Also love the shots of the architecture.

  2. Love all those barn pictures... I'm a sucker for an old barn, a new barn, and interesting barn.. heck any barn for that matter that has character and history.

    No more pretty sunrises for us here in southern Ohio. Ole Man Winter is rearing his ugly head this week.

    The days of praying for longer days are here I'm afraid. come'n on early spring!

  3. Hi Lori,
    Way to go on the bike riding good for you and so fun!

    We are starting to plan our barn for DVR seeing these pics!

    How are the kitties...I am realizing that you are up to FOUR now? Sydney, Seymour, Bermuda, and little orange kitty?

    Lots of hugs your way,
    Sue and the crew

  4. I enjoyed the architecture so much. Really fun to see.

  5. Love the sunrises - we've been having beautiful ones too. You live in a very beautiful place!

  6. Biking in Novemeber. How enjoyable!! Our temps are dropping fast and I am not mentally prepared...the older I get the less tolerant of -20 I am! I'd love to be joining you on the bike!!

  7. Loved looking at all the wonderful photos!
    And I had to do a search to find out what a Mexican Sundae was... mmm sounds so good.
    Thanks for the day trip.
    PS... great weather vane!

  8. You live in such a beautiful place. Love the picture of the light coming through your barn window!

  9. Hello there!
    Well, the sunrises/and sunsets, are the best from your farm -to be sure!
    So happy for your warmer reprieve, from winter as she closes in.

    We had like minds, admiring old barn structures...but YOU are awesome taking them in from a bike!! I rode along while my husband drove us through the countryside.
    I think I gained 10 lbs on my weekend getaway...shceduled meals out- are dangerious!

    Nice day there...will look for the day today, later on...rercoving from a slight flu bug here~

  10. Fantastic shots of the sunrise. Pedaling around the countryside seems like a nice idea until you hit the hills, that's why I don' t do it. It would kill my knee anyway. Love all your pictures, especially the barns.

  11. A full day and more! The sunrise is spectacular. The dogs looked kinda sad waiting for the return. Thanks for this!

  12. Very beautiful photographs, especially the first with these amazing colors of the sky. Greetings.

  13. The sunset this morning here was breathtaking...but apparently there's a big rain cloud about to let loose. Great photos of the Skoog Farm!


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