Saturday, November 27, 2010


6:30 am....first snow.

By 7:30 the sky was brilliant.

Gary, Barb and I did chores.  The wind was crazy and the temperature was in the 20s not counting the wind chill factor.  On with the winter Rambos.

Can you see that white plastic pipe going into the water trough?  I run the cord for my water heater through it, to an outlet in the barn.  The heater stays on most of the day...and gets turned off before evening chores.  Then, I cover the trough with a piece of plywood for the night.  Warm water is expensive, but it beats doing water all day long when it is freezing.

And that stockade fence (used to be around the swimming pool) we attached to the regular paddock fence was a great blocks the wind.  I'm using my little trough for hay.

We did not end up with very much snow.

However, last night when it started...Sidney and Seymour were let outside and they had never seen such a thing.  The were "chasing" it and did not want to come in.

 Right now, Phoebe, Gucci and Sidney are all snuggled up under my computer table staying warm.  I think Seymour (who is usually in the house with Sid) might be in the basement with Bermuda (asserting his independence).  Last night I put L'orange down there and it sounded pretty peaceful.  This morning he went back out to the barn. 
The dogs love Sid and Seymour, but chase Bermuda and L'orange.

to be continued later.....

I'm back......

 This afternoon the clouds were swirling by.

I had to run a couple of errands in Brockport and pulled off the road to get a couple of shots.

 Stopped in at the Lift Bridge Book Shop to check on books written by Sharon Creech (who happens to be one of my followers and an award winning author of children's books).  Christmas is coming.....

The sky was getting darker by the time I got back to the farm.

Gary had a nice fire going and I finished up with dinner preparations.  Guests tonight and Barb had chore duty.  Such luxury for me.

We had BBQued boneless pork chops with onions, peppers and carrots, coleslaw, asparagus, grilled bread and a green bean cassarole (made by Mary).

 Everytime I got out of my chair, Gucci tried to sit at the table.

 Dessert was pumpkin cheese cake (made by Kerrie).

Didn't get a picture of Randy or Gary...but let me introduce Mary 

and Kerrie.  The dogs would not leave them alone.

This eating has to come to a screeching halt.
Night all.


  1. I love a good snow. It seems to drape silence over everything.

  2. Ooooohhhh..I love early morning light! That's MY time of the day! Okay...I'm off to take my walk!

  3. Brrrr! It's snowing here right now.

  4. I love seeing the dogs and cats all snuggled up. It's nice that L'oragne is transitioning to an indoor/outdoor kitty.

  5. Sweet Header...and its equine shadows!
    Don't you just love the first snow for indore is like playlands of discovery!
    And then,all the photos after!

  6. Totally enjoyed your post, beautiful skies, cute kitties chasing snow, love peeks of your home..cold temps, horses with blankies..all good.

  7. It was fun to follow your day. I love the clouds and your pets.--Inger

  8. Those windmill shots are dazzling. I always love reading about your days, especially with the images that accompany.

  9. Your pictures are beautiful. We had a few flurries, nothing to write home about though. Love the pictures of the dogs and kitties, they're so cute. Good idea with the pipe and fence. It sure is getting cold out there fast.


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