Tuesday, November 9, 2010


No frost this morning.  No sun either.

The paddock is still a wreck, so I put the hay in the back pasture.


After I completed chores...went up to the loft to throw down some hay.

There are four different kinds of hay...I threw down a few of each.

There is a chute upstairs, and I put a weeks worth in the feed room.

 Still in a biking mood, I asked Gar to join me....he did.

I ran a few errands and got home in time to put the stove on in the Studio Barn.  Bad News!!!!  It just isn't big enough to heat up the space when it is this cold out.  So, I quickly turned up the heat in the house, added leaves to the table in the dining room, and started making some tea.  I'm very disappointed, but can't do too much about it.  We will be able to meet there 7 months of the year.

Tina finished her puppy.

Pauline worked on her colored pencil drawing.

Dick was just about finished with his painting.

Mel started on a new drawing of a fox.

Tina is ready to start on something new.

Sandy finished her drawing of the mare and foal.

Mel's fox.

Barb has chore duty tonight and I am going to play duplicate bridge.  Later.....


  1. You have some very talented people.

  2. A toyo or monitor heater would easily take care of that space on little to no fuel. One of my previous homes (1400 sq ft with a 20 ft cathedral ceiling...lots of air space) was heated with one for a couple hundred gallons a year in a place that sees -40 and -50 for weeks on end. I bet you could heat for less that $50 a year. Seems worth it since you love the space so much. Hope it works out.

  3. You must be a good teacher as they're work is very good. It seems to have got very cold there quickly. It is still Spring weather here and it is much nicer than the full on heat of summer.

  4. Beautiful artwork! That is great that your are enjoying your bike rides! Makes me want to dust my old bike off and go for a spin.

  5. The art work is just lovely. Glad you are feeling better.

  6. Hi Lori. Ref the heating in your barn, my large cellar has two radiators, but in the depths of winter I also sometimes use an electric (oil filled, I think) radiator that is supposed to be very economic, and to cost pennies per day to run. It is very effective. I think it was called a 'space heater'.
    Regards, Mike.


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