Sunday, November 7, 2010


This weekend has passed quickly!

So the clocks have changed and I kept waking up all night to make sure I got up at the right time this morning....a very beautiful morning.  It was only 24 degrees.  Barb and I decided to get to the barn at 7, which was really 8.

As per usual, Sidney went out with me and Seymour disappeared.  I'm beginning to think he goes in the basement with Bermuda.

Everything was covered with a thick frost.  In fact, any leaves that were on the trees yesterday, have fallen off now....too cold for them to hang on.

That beautiful sunrise turned into a grey day.

L'orange ran toward the house when Barb was ready to leave.  He thinks he belongs to her.  Every night when she is out in the barn, he surfaces for some attention.  Sidney and Seymour are starting to play with him.  Now I have to teach him how to go in and out of the basement when it starts to snow.

At 11 the Lift Bridge Book Shop was holding it's formal dedication of the mural that was painted above their entrance.

The usual suspects turned out for the event.  They always do, because they care about this village!  I've posted their pictures so often, you must be starting to recognize them.

These are the Kron Brothers.  Richard and Henry.  They painted the mural.

You must remember Ulpi....what a dapper dude!

Gary was there....

Bill Heyen read one of his poems..."Along This Water."

Mark DeCracker , the founder of Mural Mania, was there to document everything and let us know all that is going on with his very successful project.

Over 40 years ago, Peter Spier wrote a book about the Erie it was the illustration that was reproduced on the facade of the book store.  He was there today.  What a sweet man!

I had to leave before the reception, as I was supposed to ride with Barb.  It never happened as I did not feel that great, and knew that I had to shape up before the Drum Jam this afternoon.

Christopher Martin joined us today.  I introduced you to him a couple of weeks ago...the actor/welder/drummer....

Jeff showed him how to tighten the strings on his djembe (which has been out of commission for 5 years).  It was a real learning experience for all of us.

And for all my horse's a great shot of Doc Pierson!

Once again, Chet Fery baked a loaf of bread for each of us.  He is the most generous man!  Sweet potato bread, and he served us some samples that we spread with a cream cheese/honey mix.  Out of this world!  We had a great time today and improve with every jam.  Jeff (our leader) will be posting more pix and recordings on his site.  (The last link in blogs I follow).

Of course it was an adjustment to have it dark earlier.  Did chores quickly and am still waiting to get my butt up to that fire in the kitchen.

A fresh salad and leftovers for dinner....yey! a no brainer!
With any luck I should be in front of that fire in 10 minutes.

My buddies are already enjoying it.

Look at who is keeping me company....

Seymour the Tiger.

Night all!


  1. Everything looks so pretty with all the frost. I took a lot of photos of the frosty trees today. That's my favorite part about winter.

  2. Your pets are so well cared for they must love you to bits. Drumming is an interesting hobby.

  3. Seymour is so cute. I like the picture of Phoebe behind him in the last photo. My husband has an african drum. He was born in Nigeria and lived there until his father passed away in a car accident. I will have to take a picture of the drum and post it on my blog. It is very pretty.

  4. What a wonderful day from early morning to late night...even with the hour change. Frost is inevitable and so is another season..we'll make the best of the coolness and freshness. Thanks for this!


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