Thursday, November 11, 2010


No wonder I was freezing yesterday, it never went above 42.  That 50+ degrees was ballloooonnieeeee.

This morning it was bright and cool...must have been in the high 20s last night.

When Mustafa came out of the barn I could see his breath.

Sidney got up in PC's window.   L'orange was nowhere in sight and Seymour did not show up either.

The pups were at attention out in the front paddock.

This time, the sun had some kick to it and the temperature actually rose.

When I got back in the house, had an English Muffin and some oj and was off for a bike ride.

 This is what I saw on my travels....

I was gone for about an hour...a perfect day for biking.

Gary was in full gear, ripping off the back roof...and continued to work on it all day.

At two I had an appointment with the massage therapist...

Home again, home again.....

Phoebe and Gucci were sacked out.

Louise and Jack called and wanted to go out to dinner.  We went to the Brook House....they had Christmas decorations all over the place.  So premature.....

Now I am full and tired...ready to jump in bed.

Seymour and Sid are getting so big, they both don't fit on the chair at the same time.

That's it folks.  I'm outa heahhhh.
Night all.


  1. I'm not sure I've ever said this before, but thank you for blogging. With all the weird in the world and the bs that we are bombarded with every day, it is nice to come back to a place that is a sensible account of a good life. It's a nice calming affect before I head off to bed.

  2. We've been having beautiful weather too. I love the light this time of year - everything is illuminated.

  3. Such beautiful countryside! Seymour and Sid are too cute in that last picture!!!


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