Saturday, November 13, 2010


All day long.

How many days in a row has it looked like this at sunrise?

And like this when I go out to the barn.....

Barb helped with chores and afterward we picked the pastures.

We are very lucky that they stay so nice, even when the paddocks are still muddy...must be good drainage.


I was going to mow the lawn at Apple Creek, but it was just going to be too much before drumming.
So I went for a bike ride.  Tried to take pictures of places and things you have not seen out buildings.

I can't tell you how many years this car has been sitting in the front yard of a home.  Seems like years.

This is part of a Christmas tree farm.  I remember when they were just planted.

Barns...old barns...sheds...

Back at the farm around noon with just enough time to grab a shower.

Sidney was catching some rays.

I got down to the college at 1 and not a soul was around...wondered if drumming was cancelled.

It wasn't!  They were all a little later than usual.

Today we had the biggest group ever.  There were 14 of us.

The ever patient Khalid took us to a lot of places.

At one point there was a young girl (about 10) that came in with a college student.  They both sat in with us and Khalid was very happy to have them participate.  Community is his thing.

I'm telling you, even if you think you have a good sense of rhythmn (I think I do)...drumming is no walk in the park.  You need to concentrate without getting rigid.  When I mess up, I try to get back into it and just keep going.  Practice.  Practice....Khalid said.  I can't even remember what I did by the time I get home.  Oh well.  It is still worth trying.

The people who participate are all very supportive and friendly...a pretty mellow group.

Clyde (Sankofa) was there today entertaining us.  Jackie (on the left) has been drumming for a long time and performs with Sankofa.  The three drums below provide the foundation for what we are doing.  They add such richness and power.

Most of us our from the community, but today several college students participated.

My kitten Sidney....came from a litter at my friend Pam's.  Some of you may remember when he was only 5 weeks old, she took in Seymour (who we had just rescued after being found in a field) until Sid could go home with us.   Anyway, today I went down to her house to do a photo shoot with her son who needs photos for his yearbook (senior).  Pam is a master gardener and her garden makes you feel like you are on a set for Alice in Wonderland.  Here we are approaching the middle of November and she still has things blooming!

 She also has Sidney's brother....Claude Monet.  Check out the stash!

Elliot was a great sport for the picture taking...I know it's not always fun to have your picture taken.

 I call this his James Bond shot.

Just look at this garden!

I'm not sure who this is....but she's Purrrty.

The sun was starting to set when I got home.  Barb had chore duty and we had pizza and a salad.

I'll take 65 degrees any November day.
Night all.  Sleep tight!


  1. i could never play the drums~ love the old barns and of course the kitties!

  2. Gorgeous garden photos. I am missing my flowers right now! I love the mustache on the cat. What a handsome fellow. And, I have to comment on that old red car. What a beauty. I would love to drive it.

  3. All I can say is what awesome weather!! We are supposed to hit almost -20 by Tuesday. I am not looking forward to that!!

  4. If you ever make a video clip of your group drumming, please post it. I would love to hear what it sounds like.


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