Friday, November 12, 2010


When it starts to get cold, I move the water trough over near Gary's barn so I can hook up the water heater if it starts to freeze.  So far so good.  This morning Seymour and Sid thought it was their personal bowl.

It could not have been a more beautiful morning.  The frost melted quickly and the horses were happy to get out back for some hay.

Gary got busy on the roof as soon as he returned from Java and his walk.

I went for a bike ride.  Turned right out our driveway and headed North.

Took a right at the first road and passed many interesting things along the this fence.

Had to catch a shot of these sheep for Sara down at Punkin's Patch.

There are all kinds of barns...some in disrepair....some pretty nice.

I've shown you this beautiful stone house before...our friends (Deb and Tom) used to live there.

It is one of my favorites.

We have old and new homes in our "neighborhood."  I love the trees in this yard.

Yep, there are horses here and there.

These out buildings are so classic for this area.

The photos of this barn are my favorites from today's ride.  So simple...

I was going up a hill and had to get off my bike to get them....After that, I could coast a long way.

This is the house that goes with the grey barn.  It is another example of fine architecture.

 Below, is Mickey....Over 18 hands tall and he weighs close to a ton.  A couple of weeks ago he got loose and ran down the corn field next to our indoor (he used to come over and they would ride in it).
Barb was there and we were in Rochester.  Fortunately she was able to catch him and put him in the arena...then his owner came along and took him home.  He is indeed, a gentle giant.  Knows some tricks too.

I turned the corner and am back on our road the barns look familiar?

...and the house?

By this time, our friend Randy had arrived and was helping Gary with the roof.

Put my bike away and went in for a shower.

They worked until noon.

At 10 after, we headed out for the Carlton Grill to meet Carol and Topper for lunch.  We were starving.

As per usual, we talked our brains out and had a great meal.

There was a bridal shower going on and Steve was very busy in the kitchen, so we did not have a chance to talk to him, other than to say that our lunches were delish.

It would not be right if Topper didn't try to take a picture of me taking a picture of him.  Have you seen at least 25 of these by now?

This moon was out by 3pm.

Ran around with my buddies for awhile before chores.

When the sun was ready to go down, it was time for me to go out.

The ponies love their treats.

Gary worked until dark (or after).

I added to some pasta leftovers from last night and we had a very simple dinner.

Now I'm done.
Night all.


  1. Really enjoyed your bike ride today. The barns are all so beautiful. I love the simple red ones most. Looks like a wonderful day and another great dinner at Skoog Farm :)

  2. What a beautiful day you had. Your area is just so pretty. I envy you the 62 temp. It is bitter cold here, and in answer to your question, both of our horses are in double blankets for the nights and single for day. Our own barn stays pretty warm, so they usually wear just one blanket at home unless it's terribly cold. Ok, I'll 'fess up. They have more clothes than I do, and I adjust what they're wearing a lot.

  3. What pretty scenes for a bike ride. Mine are just cow pastures and peoples houses. The architecture is not nearly as pretty as yours.

    That Belgian (I'm guessing on breed) is gorgeous! I love draft horses.

    I missed what happened to your roof. I've been having to mark posts as read without reading them because I've been so busy. I'll have to go back and find out what happened.

    Also in response to your comment on Chrome's bath. I live in the south and it was 78 degrees that day. That's why I decided to get the bath done that day because I knew the warm temps wouldn't last much longer. It's been raining all afternoon so I have a feeling tomorrow will be cold. I'm glad you got a warm day. :)

  4. Excellent post, as I don't ...actually it's more like can't ride a bike it was great to ride along with you.It is so pretty where you live.Love your header pic too.

  5. Thank you Lori for taking us along too. You really do live in a beautiful place.


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