Friday, October 8, 2010


Yep!  From the moment I let out the dogs and kittens, I could tell it was going to be a gorgeous day.

Phoebe and Gucci went out to the barn with me, but kept Sid and Seymour (who is supposed to be cooling it) in the house. 

Chores were done in no time and the ponies were happy to go in the big pasture.

Let the crew out in the back yard for some sun bathing before I ran some errands.

Loaded Phoebe and Gucci in the car and we were off.  The first stop was County Max, where I picked up dog food and cute little harnesses for the pups.  Also needed some Rambo Rug Wash.  Time to get going on the winter blankets for the horses.

From there we went over to GVEC to pick up some bute for Masterpiece.

The place looked pristine.  On the way home I took some back roads and did not have a clue where I was.  Obviously, made it home..after driving by many quaint barns and open fields.

Took 5 horse blankets over to the Kenny's to be washed, and when I got back to the farm Jenny and the boys stopped over with cider and donuts.

Here kitty kitty!  Finn wanted to hold Sidney and he kept going out of the fence.

Spent the next couple hours washing a sheet and two of the smaller stable blankets.
Let them dry on the back porch.

As the sun moved over to the west, Seymour caught another outside break.

The machinery in the cornfields was finally quiet.

And I did not have to do chores tonight!  Yeah Barb!

Fed the inside animals, took a shower, and went down to the Alumni House to attend a fundraiser put on by the Tree Board.  Yes, our tiny village has a tree board and they are going to be doing a big planting in the spring.  The attendance was great and so was the food.

Margay was the main hostess tonight.

Bill Heyen, poet, read one of his original works about trees.

Home by 9:30 and ready to get under some covers.
Night all.


  1. Your sunlight looks so inviting. I'm really missing it lately.

  2. So you know you live in paradise, don't you? What gorgeous light and photos. Glad that you are making the most of this incredible weather!


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