Friday, October 22, 2010


This morning I wore a winter coat and hat.  It was in the low 30s when the crew got out to the barn (Barb was there again).  Definitely a day for the ponies to wear sheets.  It got very windy.

It quit raining, so I just put a 25 year old stable blanket on Pony.  The closed front seems to be the most comfortable...especially in the shoulders.  I wish all my winter blankets were like that.

By the time I got in the house, our friend Ted F. had arrived from Buffalo.  He lives in Colorado and has been visiting family and friends who live here in the south and east.  Gary and Ted have been friends since 1957....both played football together in high school and later on in college.

So, I scrambled some eggs and toasted English muffins...the coffee was already made.  We sat at the kitchen table and talked for hours.  Jenny even came up to join us.  Over 20 years ago, our oldest daughter spent 6 months with his family in Paris.  What an opportunity.

While Gary and Ted went into Rochester, the pups and I ran errands...needed more hay cubes and some cat food.  Of course I had to stop at Wegmans.  When we got home I did not do much.
Barb had chore duty tonight.  Gary has a bad cold and went to bed when he got back.  I vegged.

When the sun started going down I was pulled outside to grab some shots.

Facing was very bright.

Facing East it was not nearly so dramatic.

This is the front of our 1853 farmhouse.

Loved the reflection in one of the library windows."

One more shot looking across the street, and I was back in the house.

The fire was going....didn't worry about dinner....

Fed the kittens and dogs and Gucci got in trouble.  Phoebe was slow on the draw and her sister ate part of her food.  What a piggie!

Now we are all back in the vegetative  mode....

They all ganged up on Gary while he was trying to watch the news.

A busy day coming up tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. I love the color of your old farmhouse. And, why is it that I just melt at the sight of a pony wearing a "coat". Sweet.

  2. Your photos captured Fall for me.

  3. Wow! That library window shot is spectacular! Well done! Love how your weather front runs ours down here in PA. Our trees are just starting to turn, and the nights are down to the 40s. Love autumn. Thanks for sharing as always.

  4. Whew! Great post, I about drooled all over myself looking at the front of the farm's gorgeous!

    and so is your visitor, ha.

    great post Lori.


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