Friday, September 24, 2010


As my brain was not functioning properly, I forgot to post some shots for Skywatch here they are....finally.  The sunrise this morning was dramatic...for sure.

Did chores quickly, then I mulched and mowed the front paddock.

As we were having about 50 guests over this afternoon, Gary and I started setting up the farm wagon so it would be ready for food and drinks.

It got hotter and hotter, and finally stopped at 89 degrees.  Fortunately there were strong winds.

Greg Turner provided us with live music today.  We set him up on the deck in front of the Workshop under a canape.  His sound system was outstanding and so was his  voice.  Last Wednesday I posted a couple of photos of him that were taken at our chorus rehearsal.

People brought many interesting appetizers...and lots of wine.

Cooper watched Mr. Turner play the keyboard and made a couple of requests.

Finn and Coop were in the Workshop sneaking peeks at Mr. Turner (he was Finn's music teacher last year).

They were excellent during the party.  Finn helped take all of his equipment to the car and they never stopped chatting...a nice experience.

Everyone left by 6:45.  It was a great party, lots of good food and great sounds.  We are lucky to have so many terrific friends.

It took about 45 minutes for us to put everything back where it belonged.  Parties are a LOT of work, no matter how you cut it.  I stood up way too long today and now am paying for it.  I can't tell you how happy I was to have Barb do the chores tonight.  I'm whipped.   Next.... drumming on Sunday afternoon...going to do it right on the deck outside the workshop instead of in the barn.
Night all.


  1. How wonderful to have so many good friends. Your life is never lonely! I would not complain about 89* on little bit. I am still chilled to the bone from working outside.

  2. What a lovely party in your garden - beautiful setting. Was it a special occassion? Hope you've rested some now. Oh, where do you put/keep your animals when you have guests outdoors? Have a great day, Greetings from Jo

  3. Your days are so full. Where do you find the energy?

  4. Terry - I wonder that too!!

    I have had many people cross my doorway in the last 25 years including weddings, a funeral, etc...and just reading your schedule wears me out and I'm use to hard work.


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