Sunday, September 5, 2010


(This is supposed to be at the bottom of the post below...go figure).

At 4pm one of my old students (and good friend) arrived at the farm with his family (from New York) and his mom (who lives here).  They brought along pizza and wings, which we took out to the workshop to eat. It was the perfect spot for an indoor picnic.

The three children love to visit and we love having them...this place is a lot different from the city.

Clyde set us up with the food and we all sat down to eat.

Then, I took the kids out to the barn to meet the kittens.

Sidney was in the feed room and Seymour was in the other barn.

All three of them have a way with fear, loving and gentle.

What a beautiful family...I am so flattered that they take the time to visit us when they make the trip from New York.  Mom and kids will be here for the week....I think some riding is in their near future.

PS....Barb helped me with chores this morning and tonight...  Thank you Barb!

I have not taken many pictures of my ponies lately.  Will have to get serious.

When I mentioned "just right" much earlier, I was referring to the temperature.
Night all.


  1. Love your new header photo!

    I love kids who are gentle and kind with animals - someone has taught them well!

  2. I think it's no wonder that they come to visit you. It's like a trip to heaven! Those kids must love the farm. You can see it in their faces. It is so great that children are able to interact with animals even if they live in the city. I believe it makes them kinder and more considerate as human beings. What a lovely family - thanks for introducing them to us! And this weather is such a gift - after the heat of last week, we deserve it. Enjoy!

  3. Lori, are you in Blogger? If so, check to see if you are in Blogger as Draft. You may be used to that and it may have changed since you were having problems.

  4. Beautiful family! The kids have such sweet expressions, and I love the pictures of them with the animals.

  5. Carissima Lori.........Magnificient shots of this lovely family and specially the kids together with the horses; beautiful!!!!!

    Tha last countryside pic is just GORGEOUS!!!

    have a great week, Lori!!

    ciao ciao elvira

  6. Is there anything sweeter than a little girl and a horse?

  7. Wish you weren't having so many problems with your blog. I can't use the new editor that they have. I was having all sorts of problems so I reset it to the old version. It's in the settings somewhere at the bottom of one of those pages.

    I love that last picture of the clouds. So pretty. And the one of gray pony.

    Anyway hope you get everything figured out. :)

  8. great photos of the family and how fun for the kids.


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