Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Barb (Dream's owner) was visiting her horse a couple of days ago and took these shots of Tina and Mr. Sandman.
Sandman has only been hooked a couple of times, and he was just perfect!

Tina is ready to do this on her own...to have a bomb proof horse makes it so much more enjoyable.

Barb also drove and I hope to try him out sometime.... What a sweetheart.


  1. I once had a Haflinger just like Mr. Sandman, only it was a mare.
    It's wonderful to have a reliable, cool horse. :)

  2. He is just the cutest guy! I'm so glad that Tina is having such a good time with him. Sigh, he and King Mustafa really have me dreaming of having another horse.

  3. Lori,
    Anytime! He seems so willing to do whatever I ask of him. Funny I just noticed that he even has wavy hair just like Liberace. ( Heard that line in the song as I was writing this.)
    Come soon,

  4. That's great that the cart worked out. Looks like Tina is having a lot of fun.

  5. I love haffies they are so reliable. I ride and drive a few.
    If shes gonna be driving him much I would adjust that cart/breast collar or get another one. The shaves are way past the point of the shoulder. Could be dangerous. I just got a cart and re-finished it because the old owner had a teeny 13 hh arab on it and the shaves were too long, they hooked it on a tree and snapped the shaves.

  6. I have been so busy lately that I have to fly through your photos but I'll be back when things slow down to look more closely. I love that showed the interior of your friend's house a post or so down. Love that room...

  7. Mr. Sandman looks like a handsome gentleman. How fun.

  8. I was going to mention that also. The shafts on the cart are way too forward of his shoulder. When he turns his head, he can get a line caught on it or as my aunt found out the hard way, they bump their mouths on the end of the shaft. Can get the bit caught on there also. Other than that, everything looks beautiful and he appears to be the biggest sweetie on the planet!!


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