Friday, August 6, 2010


Got my butt in gear earlier today. A beautiful morning and I had to leave for Lima by 9:10.
Finished the chores in a little over an hour...

Even tho I was in a hurry, Seymour and Sid had a chance to spend some time in the barn.

While I got ready to leave, they went out in the back yard.

I arrived at Copy Town a little before 10 and parked next to these beautiful hanging baskets of petunias.
What was I doing here? Getting together with Maria so we could produce 6 books for my friend Andrea to take back to England. By 1:30 we had all the photographs ready to be printed and I went across the street for lunch.
What a great recommendation! Had a chicken Cesar was excellent! On the way back I took a few more shots of Lima.

Almost everything was printed...
The photographs were cut, I put them in order, and Maria finished getting everything together.

I finally got out of there at 10 of 4. A full day at the office.

When I drove through Avon, I noticed they also had hanging baskets of petunias
Scottsville too. In Brockport, we also have them, but they are hung much higher and are difficult to water.
Got home a little before 5 with just enough time to do chores and get ready to go out to dinner.

We went to the Pinewood with Tina, Roger, Sara, Jim and Chris (who is visiting from Oregon for two weeks).
The food was great. Fishfries....
Pork Chops....
Prime Rib....
No dessert...instead soup and salad bar.
The purpose of the evening was to catch up with Chris.
Unfortunately I caught her with her eyes closed! Boo me.

It was a very relaxing evening...

Pinewood has a golf course and they are only open for dinner on Friday nights. A very brisk business.
One of those dramatic sky nights...

Home by 9 and Barb had already put the horses in. The crop duster was at it again.

Got to go now.
Night all.


  1. Whew! You had another busy day. Isn't it amazing how a little bit of cooler and less humid weather will perk you right up? I'm glad that you got your books done. I bet they're beautiful!

  2. Hi Lori, I've been away from blogger for a while due to our holiday back home in South Africa. I'm back now and catching up on fellow bloggers' post. My, what a wonderfully full day you have. I gasp at every picture. It's all so clean and modern. Thanks for sharing your life. Have a wonderful weekend. Jo

  3. Love the early morning photo of the two barns. They are making their statement.

  4. Nice day...and so productive too (as always)!
    Loved those two historic looking barns and the kitty fests outside. Nice books to send .... And that BARB...she deserves and award!
    Spoiler alert...many watery scenes, at my place. "~'

  5. Is it expensive to have the books made where you are? I think it is here as I have heard of friends making them online instead. Just curious.


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