Friday, July 2, 2010


This week at Skoog Farm....

To view more beautiful skies from around the world, click on my sidebar.


  1. Beautiful photo's hope you are enjoying your beautiful summer....I been so busy too....Well I have lots of reading to do ...See ya later..hugs....
    P.s. and looking at a lot of beautiful photo's...

  2. Wow. What beautiful skies. If you have this view often in NY, you're a lucky person.

  3. These are beyond amazing, Lori. I would be shaking at such beauty, almost unable to hold my camera! I love the skies in the northern US. More murky here in Dixieland although still beautiful in their way! Happy weekend and Happy Fourth of July to you at Skoog Farm!

  4. Beautiful skies.
    I also enjoy the rose picture much.
    This afternoon at 4h30, the summer holidays have begun. I hope I'll have more time to visit your blog.
    See you soon

  5. Lori: The skies over the farm are always so magical. How are Gucci and Phoeb?

    Dr. Porter is not enjoying the heat and humidity and could use a weekend on the farm. (His dad is tired and could use a vacation away from his hour commute and long days!!)


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