Saturday, July 24, 2010


Another thick, heavy morning. We still had lots of puddles and mud from all the rain and there was more to come. Barb helped with chores and I was dripping wet by the time we finished.
Pony was following me around again, while the other 4 horses were in the pasture. I put a couple of fence boards back up and was ready to go in the house.

Gucci was a muddy mess so I called her over to the kiddie pool and asked her to get in. To my amazement, she did. Even sat down without any coaxing. She got herself all cleaned off. Phoebe was her usual pristine self.

Around 9:15 I heard someone coming into the kitchen and it was Randy...he brought us an air conditioner and two window fans!!! My lucky day. Maybe we can catch a little relief! At least the floors were not wet and the house was much more comfortable. We put it in our bedroom and closed the rest of the windows... It won't do the whole downstairs, but it definitely helps the bedroom, library and living room. Yey!

Late morning Jenny called to see if we could go over to Tina's pool. It was pretty hazy but we went anyway and did not get rained on. What a relief. I can't tell you how much I miss our pool.

I hope Coop and Finn realize how fortunate we are to be able to visit the pool in Christina's world.

Left around 4. When I got home, watched the movie "Precious." Barb arrived and said she wanted to do could I refuse her request? So, I stayed on the couch and finished the movie. Went out later and massaged all the ponies.
Barb helped with all of them. I don't know what I did to deserve all the support she gives me, but I sure do appreciate it.

An early dinner. Leftovers and a salad. I added those cucumbers that I marinate and it was extra flavorful.

It's early and I'm done. Night all.


  1. I'm sure Barb gets as much enjoyment out of being with the horses as you get from the extra help. Everybody wins!

    Too bad you still don't have your pool. The grandkids would be in it all day long!

  2. What a good dog, washing himself.

  3. It's supposed to be less muggy today. What a relief. I give all horse people credit in this kind of weather. IMO it's harder to do chores now, than it is in the dead of winter.

  4. I just love Gucci in the pool. How cute is that? It's been miserable here too, wonder if I'll ever be dry again.

  5. Looks as dreary as it is here. Except it's not hot enough for a swim in a cool pool. The temps are only up to 70 degrees today and it's been raining off and on all day. Weird weather. We're used to having a monsoon hard rain that only lasts a short time and the rest of the day is sunny.

    What a good girl Gucci for taking a nice bath for you. Barb is a kepper friend for sure. I would love to have a wonderful helper like her at my place.

    The marinated cukes sound sublime!


  6. You can send Barb right on over to my place. She's a treasure.

  7. Hang in there Lori! Barb is a God send to be sure!
    Can't believe all that rain an now muck!We simply have the dry 100 degree heat...I am not complaining.

  8. Can I have a Barb too? :-)

    I'd be sunk without our pool. This summer has just been brutal.


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