Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Bright and the temperature was reasonable this morning. I took Seymour and Sidney out to the grooming room...set them up with food and water and let them run around while I did chores in the horse barn. They listened to classical music and snooped around.
Did a little mowing in the front paddock after the horses were turned out.

At 10:30 my class started. Donna is holding a little camp for her grandsons and wanted to make T shirts for them that say "Camp Memaw" (how do you spell that?) So I messed around with Photoshop so she could come up with a line drawing...I took the photo on Sunday on the way to Java and it is perfect for what she is doing.

I'm hoping to have the class paint a quilt square to go on one of our barns...Donna brought in a book and I immediately opened it to the Swedish Star. That's it! We are Swedes who live in the town of Sweden.
Today I served Cranberry Spritzers with lime and at last we were able to meet out on the back porch.

Seymour and Sidney were out there with us the entire time.
Jenny and the boys left for Cape Cod this morning and Gary left for Chautauqua around 1. The Menagerie and I are on our own.

At 3 I took my car in for an oil change and went for a walk with Phoebe and Gucci.
They think that being on a leash is a real treat.
We walked down Park Ave. by the Jennifer Hecker sculpture. (Pam, where we got Sidney, lives near the park and did all the planting).
It looks very mature this year...
All the plants came from her own garden, which is exceptional. A place where Alice in Wonderland might get lost.
We had to wait a few minutes when we got back to Northside and the pups were perfect.
Drove by the Welcome Center on the way home...lots of activity!

The kitties do like to sack out in the afternoon. Seymour squeezes in this little basket with Sidney...almost squishes him.

Barb did chores tonight and I relaxed. Made another fruit plate.
Took my camera out a little before dark...

Seymour and Sidney - first time out in the barn....
It sure is quiet around here. Night all.


  1. Being home alone is odd. So often I wish for peace and quiet, and if I get it I wander around lonely. Hope you enjoy your quiet time.

  2. Those kittens are adorable. They'll give you company. And, of course, you have the pups and the horses. It's going to be miserable today, so vegging is acceptable. And, storms tonight. Maybe you'll be able to get some good pictures of that.

  3. Beautiful summer pictures. Your front flowers are very nice.
    Here it's still hot. So, the afternoon, we work inside, and we put water to the plants in the morning and in the evening.
    I'm happy to find time to come and see your blog though I cannot come as often as i'd like.
    See you soon

  4. Loved your tour and visiting you through out the day.


  5. The pictures of Seymour and Sidney in the basket are so cute. Have fun with your barn quilt!

  6. Such an interesting blog and loved seeing the art in progress, and of course the kitties and horses.


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