Wednesday, July 21, 2010


This morning, Berlin's head was sticking out the window instead of her door. She's my girl....
Did chores quickly. Below are the results of my stall cleaning. All 5 fit into one small wheelbarrow. I should probably leave them out all night, but am still putting them in at night for some quiet time.
Abbe is in heat again, and King Mustafa will not leave her along.
I made a quick trip to Wegmans this afternoon as Finn and Cooper were coming up for dinner.
Gar picked up Coop at 3. When he got to the farm he wanted pretzels, yogurt and a glass of water. He gave us a demo on dipping pretzels.
My friend Mary Pat came up to discuss a great idea she has come up with. She was our daughter's teacher (who is now 40) and has just retired. She wants to work with children and reading...brought up some notes that she hopes to make into a flyer. LET'S JUST READ!
What a great idea! She will start off with kids that are 6 to 8 years old...imagine the possibilities.
"A literature enriching reading program."
I had intended to mow the lawn at Apple Creek Farm today, but I'm glad I didn't even start it! The day that started out so beautifully turned into a major downpour.
One minute it was sunny and the next...pouring.

I did chores early and drove down to the Day Care Center to pick up Finn around 5:45. He is attending "Kids College" for a couple of weeks and is involved in all kinds of special activities. Today they went on a field trip to "Young Chefs" where they learned how to make their own pizza. What fun!
I gave both boys a blank crown to work on. Not enough time to finish, so they were sent home.
We had pancakes and (veggie) sausage for dinner, while Gary went and spoke at a Service Club meeting about a project he is working on with the Greater Brockport Development Corporation.
(He is currently the President).
The evening sun was shining into the library...
and the kitchen.
Naturally, the sky was gorgeous before the sunset.

Barb was kind enough to put in the horses for me tonight. What a find that woman was! I took a nice hot shower and am ready to crash.

Night all.


  1. Horses aren't "fixed" as other animals are? What happens if he were to breed her? I'm sure she must be too old. I just don't know how that all goes with horses. Good luck to your friend and her reading program. I've often thought of doing the same with my education, but it seemed as if I just kept having children! :) Hoping for a sunny day for you tomorrow. (I know I won't have one).

  2. Hi Lori!
    Wow...that is a mighty amount of moisture ! Bet it does smell good today and cleared the skies too!
    Your Sunset skies are delicious!
    Love ya,

  3. I love the photos of the sunlight in the library and kitchen.

  4. Hi Lori! I love the photo of sweet Berlin...what a lovely horse! The photographs of the sky is stunning and the sunset colors so beautiful!

  5. Hi again Lori..yes it is Ronelle from the blog..myfrenchkitchen. We are both originally from South Africa and speak Afrikaans....our home language. It was one of the nicest holidays ever!
    I don't think your posts are boring!


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