Sunday, July 4, 2010


Something happens in Brockport every 4th of July that does not necessarily take place in other small towns.
This beautiful home, the Morgan Manning House (I have posted it many times) hosts a celebration. Being part of the Victorian era, it is a Victorian event. Just what you would expect from the Historical Society.

Hundreds of people attend and many are decked out in red, white and blue.

Gary was in charge of the event this year and got there bright and early to help set things up.

I did not show up until 11:45 and the place was jumping. Of course I am posting shots of many of our least the photos that turned out ok. On the left is one of the members of our Therapy Dog Team...Marchia and on the right is Harry, a retired???? pharmacist. His wife, Deanna, was part of the Art & Aesthetics committee I served on.

Below, is the person who came out from RIT to do a photoshoot for her portfolio. I shot along with her and grabbed many good pictures of kids. She is related to my friend Margie...of Robb's Fruit Farm...apples, peaches, cider.....

Here is Laurie Bryant, the founder of the Brockport Community Big Band. Several years ago we held a fundraiser in our barn...they played and we danced...helped them get a good sound system.

Another example of that red, white and blue....

Fortunately for Gary, I did not post the other picture I took of him with Paul...he was doing the rabbit ear thing behind his head. Paul and Shelly are friends of Jenny...we call them our friends too.

Hot dogs with everything. What a mess!!!

They set up an antique carriage and a fake horse for picture taking.
I got there too late to get many shots of the high school band as I was busy trying to catch a video. It is posted below.

At 12:30 the Big Band started...and I have posted several of their pieces as I want to show them off to the rest of the world.

Here come Margay and have been to their house.

And there's my friend Jack, the Anthropologist/Video Man. Apple Creek Farm... Mowing....

Jo was enjoying the sounds of the big band...

Gary announced the winner of the 50/50 raffle....

There she is. Looks pretty happy.

Andrea and Skip saw my camera and gave me a quick grin.

Fortunately the bands were located under this big tree and had plenty of shade. Pretty hot today.

A rather sweet car was parked in the driveway over by the carriage house.

Now here's Ruth...she reads my Journal a lot...especially when they winter in Florida and want to know what's going on back here.

Our good pals Randy and Arlene (Sequence partners) came up...their first time. It's such an old fashioned event.

Carol and Topper had company out at the Lake. Sarah, Vinnie and the kids were visiting.

This is Bingo. He is Ruth's husband and Carol's brother-in-law. Used to be our attorney before he retired. I had his (and Ruth's) daughter Stephanie in my art class when she was in high school... now he has turned into a great painter and occasionally shows with my students at the library. You have seen his work too.

It's not often that I get Peggy and Gordy (her husband and hot dog chef) in the same picture. They both do a tremendous amount of volunteer work for the Historical Society.

Here are Sarah and Vinnie...refer back to Carol and her grandaughter....

Now for something many of you may not have heard of, and I want you to promise that you will look at the video! Every year there is a Cake Walk. (Below is my favorite cake). They set about 35 numbers (painted on wooden squares) on the ground. For 25 cents you can participate.
It's just like musical chairs, but nobody gets kicked out. Our friend Greg plays a drum in the middle of the circle and when he stops, you stand on a number. Someone draws a number from a bucket and that person wins a cake. This year they had 25 cakes.

This little lady (Carol and Topper's Grandaughter....Sarah and Vinnie's daughter...Ruth and Bing's great that right????) played round after round.

And Topper was there to take in all the action. He must have hundreds of pictures of me as I have hundreds of him.
Robin was visiting her parents out at the lake...have not seen her in over 20 years. Adorable.

Pam is the wife of Greg...the drummer (and sound man and musician and VIP with Sankofa).

Carol's just trying to get all photogenic.

Look who got a cake....

And the little girl who played round after round....she got one too.

Don't forget to check out the videos and turn off my playlist. I know that this is of greater interest to the locals...maybe you are curious too.

The first video demonstrates the cake walk.
Greg is in the middle of the circle playing
a drum and the adults and children are
walking around him.

The second is the High School Band.

The third, fourth and 5th are of the Brockport Community Big Band. Are we lucky to have them or what?


  1. Lucky to have them? I'll say! They're stupendous! Is there anything they can't play? Very impressive. Your day appears to have been idyllic. And I want that M&M studded cake. Happy Fourth! God bless America!

  2. Another festival?! Amazing! And you know so many people! Looks like such a great place to live.

  3. Lori & Gary,
    Thank you so much for the contribution you two make.
    Brockport is such a very special place and for sure you help make it that way!
    We enjoyed the event yesterday although we didn't have time to stay long.
    Love our Brockport Band!
    Tina & Roger

  4. Looks like a very fun-filled 4th of July!


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