Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The garden next to the paddock....
An ok morning. Same old same know the drill.
Gary bought some paint for the barn and got on it before the sun moved around.

That's as far as he got before it started heating up. He only paints in the shade....

We have a back hallway off our kitchen that is kinda like a mud room (even tho we don't go in and out that way). It was loaded with boots, jackets, recycling boxes, pail and mops, sweeper, returnable bottles and more. Crap! Lots of crap! You could not even open the door. This morning I went nuts and started taking everything out. I did 5 loads of wash (all Gary's jackets, vests, sweatshirts, work shirts etc.) and am sending it upstairs to a closet. Tomorrow I will start on the rest.

Went to Wegmans and the bank late morning...when I got home, had lunch and made a pasta salad for dinner.

Jack and Louise brought back this mouse pad for me when they went on vacation last week. What a perfect gift.

This plant (from Tina) has been on the back porch for weeks...look what popped out today!

My knee was killing me, so I got off my feet and iced it...actually fell asleep (I think). Maybe this nap thing is a good idea!

At 6 I went out to do chores. Grey, buggy....cooled down a bit. Had to fill both water troughs...they are drinking a lot in this weather and they pee a lot in their stalls!

It almost sprinkled for a minute.

Got in a little after 7 and we had dinner. Pasta salad, tomatoes and toasted English muffins.
Tasted great....simple.

Went out to turn off the water and caught a few more shots in the gardens.

I think I heard a little thunder...rain must be on the way.

Night all.


  1. I'm not sure if you are hungry for rain or have had a lot since I'm so behind on my reading. All I know is that our area could use a good all day dousing. We'll probably finally get it when I go camping. Your flowers are beauties! Take care of that aching knee.

  2. Sounds like a very successful day. Rest that knee, you only have two.

  3. Interesting Day!!! The Pasta Salad sure looks very yummy!!

    Pixellicious Photos


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