Wednesday, June 30, 2010


A chilly morning. This was Barb's last day of vacation and she came over to help with chores. She has spoiled me rotten for a week.
Gary finished priming the back of the indoor...just needs to put the grey paint on it now.... I'm sure he is very sick of doing this.
After chores I mowed the lawn and all around the outside of the pasture fences.
The corn is almost up to my shoulders. Everything is so early this year.

At 11:30 Ariana and I went to the D&R Depot (in LeRoy) for lunch. We met some friends of hers who also spend time in Croatia.
The gardens and entrance were full of flowers.

We all ordered different lunches and even had dessert! That finished me off, even tho I had a Pittsburgh salad for lunch.
Ariana enjoyed the visit.
Kevin had dropped the boys off a little after one, and they were there when we got back home.
I went out and finished the lawn....
...and Gary started digging up his garlic. Some of the best....ever.

He has already had calls from people who want seed garlic.

Ariana and Finn were on the computer and Cooper took a long nap.

Jenny arrived around 5 and picked up the boys (and Ariana) as there was a T ball game at 6:15.
Finn knows what he is doing. He can catch, throw and hit....very well....

Cooper even played tonight...and got a couple of hits.
"Go Finnie!"
After the game, Ariana came home with us as she has to get ready for a trip tomorrow. She, Jen and the boys are heading to Virginia and Washington DC.

The night sky was brilliant.

Here are some shots of our front lawn. lillies. Some of them are over my head.

I'm totally out of gas. Night all.


  1. Your day lillies are spectacular! And what an abundant garlic crop!

    Like you, we are always cleaning stalls, pulling weeds, mowing, etc. We work hard and we love it. We had visitors, and the wife said "But what do you do all day". Ha-ha.

  2. No wonder you were tired, after that busy day. You are a "goin'" woman!

  3. Beautiful garlic - mine's about ready too!

  4. Your place is so beautiful! Your garlic looks fantastic! I also just dug mine.

  5. What a beautiful place you have. Love all the activity.

    My grandmother grew garlic and had a huge garden, I have an itty bitty one!

  6. I have friends in DC right now taking in the sights. All the flowers are so beautiful. We haven't had sun and mine are doing poorly. Really enjoy seeing your color.

  7. That is some serious vampires in your neck of the woods:-)?


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