Thursday, June 17, 2010


Well...this was a cool the 50s. Chores as usual.
When I finished the stalls I started cutting down weeds around the barns...we need to get our weed wacker repaired! A lot of work.

The sky cleared up and I decided to go down to Apple Creek Farm and mow the lawn.
The apples are starting to take shape.

Louise has a lot of flowers in bloom...I just took a couple shots of the ones by her door.

Drove home through the village after stopping at Ryans to pick up a couple of things. After I checked out, Bob put a whole bunch of hanging planters on sale for five bucks. Bought me some geraniums...Gary hung them on the front of the indoor (I'll show you them tomorrow).

Ate lunch. Took a shower and went back down to Brockport for an appointment with....
(where do I take pictures of the fish????) the massage therapist.

Back over the Main Street bridge....
through the village (again)....

Had to wait for a light under the overpass....

Stopped to buy a hanger for my new plant and checked out the inventory....

Gary went to a Museum Board meeting and I went out to do chores. A beautiful evening.

Then I decided to drag the ring...I need to have it rototilled again...all the water made the weeds grow...big time!
The corn next to it is growing by inches each day.
No fancy dinner tonight...soup and sandwiches.
Over and out!
Night all.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing the $5 basket. I'm sure it will make me cry. I can't buy an empty pot for that cheap! Baskets here are $45-$65 (which is why I grow my own!). Lucky find for you! The barn is coming along. He'll have it finished up in no time at all.


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