Wednesday, May 19, 2010


(This is Stella...a painting I did in graduate school during the dark ages)

First, I want to say that both of these women and I have something in common...the love of horses. Jeni Q., from Cincinnati, Ohio, says that she has had horse fever her whole life. Fortunately she has two...Bonnie, a breeding stock paint (14+ hands) and Rosie, an 1800 pound Percheron/Belgian cross. You can find her at

Then there is Betsy (Cousin B)...she is a Pastry Chef from Washington State and really wants a horse! Her loves are baking, cooking, getting together with her cousins, girls nights out, horses, singing LOUD in the car, traveling, camping, new movies and new shoes. Maybe that's why her blog is called...shewhoridesmanyponies....get it?

You can click on their blogs by going to my "followers" on the sidebar. They are on the top left

I hope you enjoy my always curious to know how you found it.


  1. Always fun to catch up with you. LOVE your new header shot!

  2. Hi thank you for the welcome! I found you through All Horse Stuff.

    Have a wonderful day!


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