Monday, May 17, 2010


Woke up early and got out to the barn before 7:30. While he is waiting for his grain, King Mustafa communicates with Pony....every morning...
It started out sunny, and then it turned grey and cooler.
We had an extra rehearsal today as our chorus concert is this coming Friday.
It will be held in one of our local churches.
Our director found us a drummer, and we will also have a bass player. It added so much depth to our music.

When we got home, I started mowing the lawn. Went in for lunch and then had a visit from the people who delivered Tina's new Haflinger. They were checking out my Meadowbrook Cart and Smuckers Harness...may have some clients at their barn who would be interested in buying them. That would be nice!

When they left, I had to go down to Jenny's to let the dogs out.
Buster is always at the window, but Ice is happy to stay upstairs. Phoebe and Gucci were there with me and they all got a little play time in the back yard.
Stopped at Wegmans for a few bags of groceries. Are you all using your reusable bags? When I got back to the farm I finished the lawn.
The herd was in and out of the back arena and the indoor.
Gary spent the afternoon priming. I have pretty much decided to paint it a dark grey that will match the other two barns. It is sucking up the paint like crazy and will take 15-20 more gallons....ouch! At least the next coat will go on more easily.

We have a few new flowers blooming. The tulips are just about ready to disappear.

Started on dinner. We had a salad....
Rosa Marina...

and corn on the was some of the best we have ever had.

Went out to do chores. Barb was here and helping me again. I appreciate her very much.
Got in the house in time to watch "Dancing with the Stars." Now it's over and I am ready for a steaming hot shower.

Night all.


  1. What a lovely day you had! Here's hoping that today is another.

  2. Wow...that's a lot of paint. It's looking very nice, though I do have a thing for red barns. Maybe you could add in a few red accents? hehe!
    Love seeing that first photo. The two of them chatting over the stall wall is so cute.

    The flowers are all so lovely!



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