Monday, May 24, 2010


It started out to be pretty warm from the get go. My horses are so spoiled! I put hay in the shade and the run in. By the time I was finished with the stalls my back was getting a little better. Maybe the heat (80s) helped.
I mowed the back pasture....only one more to go.

Today we had the first blossom on our wild rose bush. There will be over a hundred more within the week.

Gary has been taking great care of the garden by the windmill.
Today I picked the first spinach.
I won't buy any lettuce at the store now, for months.
The priming was moving right along today. It sure changes the look of the barn.

Just remember...this is primer, not the final color.

Tonight we had pulled pork sandwiches ( took me 12 hours to finally finish it), coleslaw and corn on the cob. A great "picnic" combo.
Grained the horses and put them out quickly so I could get down to the Welcome Center for a meeting of the local committee working on the World Canal Conference. One of the members brought along her dog Wags...he spent part of the time under the table. During the summer he puts in a lot of time on a Charter Boat that goes up and down the canal.

A short and sweet meeting. Is this guy adorable????
I got home at 8:05 and the moon was already out.

The ponies were hanging out in the indoor...cooler and no bugs.
Gary reads a LOT. Books and newspapers...tonight he was vegging on the back porch.
The setting sun was throwing it's rays into the kitchen.
Now for some night shots.

I confess...I watched Dancing with the Stars. I think these two will win...hands down!
Now I have to go and put the ponies in their stalls. When Barb came over to see Mustafa she finished setting up the hay. I figured I would do it went I put them in...she always goes above and beyond. How lucky am I?

Night all.


  1. Oh I loved your day, Lori. What did Phoebe and Gucci do when Wags visited? Your night shots are beautiful. Have a wonderful day.

  2. I think that those two will win Dancing with the Stars, also. Especially after the skater's freestyle was so bad.

    Loved your night shots, and I envy you your columbine. Mine got all eaten down this year, and I have one single solitary bloom.

  3. It's getting hot here too. Your gardens look beautiful and yellow roses are one of my favorites. Your place looks beautiful, can't wait to see what color the barn is going to be. Doesn't a fresh coat of paint always make things look new again. We're in the process of painting the barn and sheds too.

    Love your night pictures. Stay cool.


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