Saturday, May 22, 2010


An ok morning. My back felt pretty lousy again... Did chores. Gary and Barb both helped.

The gardens have new blossoms, but it's not nearly as colorful as it was when we had dozens of tulips and daffodils.

Even tho it was a little grey, I decided to drive out to Glen Darach Farm to get more photos for the book I am making for Andrea's mom.
She had some big poppies and flocks everywhere.
When I walked through the barn, Joan was getting ready for a lesson on Willow.

Andrea was working on Norman...getting ready to body clip him.
An adorable mini who does a beautiful job pulling a cart.

Much of Joan's lesson involved lounging.
Willow is well over 17 hands and a very beautiful girl...very fit and shiny.

Does your saddle fit? And when you put it on your horse is it in the right place? Is it level? Too many people want to place it too far forward, inhibiting the movement of the shoulder. Many don't even know if it fits properly.

Willow's saddle fits her very well.
Nice and level...a proper pad and no pinching anywhere.

Next, it was time for Jingles and Jill to have a lesson. He is in his 20s and extremely fit.
He free lounges like a dream. Jill used to fox hunt and he is retired from all that and pulls a cart (very well I might add).
Jill, like Andrea, is from England. I think she is a little older than me, and is still learning and growing. She did a nice job today.

When I got home, Gary was still working on the indoor. Progress.
Eventually he got off that ladder and started on one of his gardens. The garlic is over 3 feet tall now.
This is where the nap came in. I was so sleepy/tired this afternoon...gave up and went in to catch some ZZZZZsssssss.

Went out do do chores at 7, after I got everything ready for dinner.
It was hot and buggy...we must have some rain coming.
At any rate, decided to leave them in for the night.
I think they were happy with my decision.

The sky was the most beautiful at this time.

Gucci and Phoebe got their exercise running around the paddock.
Headed back to the house....Had to change the flowers on the kitchen table.

Not in the mood to make an exciting it was a repeat of the old reliable breakfast meal. (I am, however, slow cooking a pork shoulder to make pulled pork...10 hours of slow cooking...needs to go til midnight and I will finish the bbq sauce part tomorrow).
While we ate, we watched the movie GREEN FINGERS. Loved it!
It was about prisoners in England who ended up in a big gardening competition.

It's late and I need a nice hot shower.
Night all.


  1. Oh Lori;) I'm sorry to hear you have a sore back. Somehow I missed something - I've had a little extra excitement over on my side of the world (see my blog if you wish) I LOVE the garlic and the way photographed the horse saddle position. Oh and your movie sounds super. Just the kind I like. Get well soon. (((Hugs))) Jo

  2. Even with a sore back, you are so busy! Your flowers are beautiful! I got rid of all my irises because they were old, but yours are lovely.
    Hope your back feels better soon. Take care!

  3. Beautiful flowers! Hope your back feels better soon - that can be so unpleasant!

  4. Willow is very beautiful, and Jill has done such a good job with Jingles, to be in his 20s and look like a competition horse.

    I'm sorry that your back hurts. It is so annoying when you want to go, and your body say "nope, not today."

  5. Another full day, capped off with a yummy breakfast for dinner. Sometimes that kind of meal is so satisfying.

    Lori, I hope your back is feeling better.


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