Monday, May 10, 2010


N0 masks today...what bug would be out when it's 33 degrees?
However....the sun was bright and the temp was supposed to reach the mid 50s. So off came the sheets.

After the horses went out to the pasture I locked the dogs in the barn with me so I could keep track of them. Phoebe found her spotlight.
Made a quick trip to Tractor Supply and Wegmans, then I mowed the lawn. I mow around all the pastures so there is a nice path to walk on.
This was the view as I was mowing....

There's Gary putting shingles on the shed off the back of the barn. We are both pretty tired of all the bucks it takes to keep these barns going. An incredible amount of square footage in these buildings. Without the roofs in tact, the barns would fall apart. Just necessary....

Paula, our neighbor from across the street, brought over a couple dozen eggs. They are so much better than the ones we get at the store.

I made sauce. 99% of the time it has no meat...but for some reason I was craving Italian Sausage. I picked up four hot patties (chicken/turkey mix) and some mushrooms...added sauted onions and threw on some of our sauce. About 5:00 I called Randy and Arlene to see if they had started dinner yet...the answer was no and they were able to join us.
Set the table....

and went out to the barn to help Barb and her husband unload some sawdust for the stalls.
Bermuda was talking to me from the stairs to the loft.
Set up the grain, closed the front doors...and went into the house for a quick shower.

Went out around 7:15 to put them in.
It was really quite a beautiful day...all things considered.

Randy and Arlene had arrived around 7, so I finished making the pasta right when I got in the house. I put bean salad on top of my greens along with onion and a tomato. Great crusty bread and the sauce was delish. Our guests brought a lemon meringue pie for dessert.

We ended the evening playing Sequence. Arlene and I beat the pants off them (for a change).

More news tomorrow. Night all.


  1. I'm looking forward to mowing grass and gathering my own eggs. In time. Your sunshine looks devine.

  2. Pretty much the same weather here - and this morning it's pouring and cold - ugh.

  3. Great pictures as usual. Love the kitty watching the action from the stairs. We've got some cold here too. I'm sort of worried about some flowers I put in, hope they don't freeze. Our Skagg just bit the dust so we have been using the big tractor to mow. It's working out for now...

    Your meal looks delicious, I'm sure it tasted great too.

  4. Love the light in the photos! Yes, it's cold, but so far none of my flowers have succumbed to the frost. Another beautiful day at Skoog Farm - always fun to visit you here.


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