Sunday, May 30, 2010


Could not ask for more in the weather department (except for some rain).
Gar and Barb helped me with chores again.

Today I did a lot of work outside...dragged the outdoor ring, the indoor, the garden next to the barn....mulched the paddocks.

I love the hanging plant Gary picked out yesterday.

I noticed that Harley's garden was loaded with peonies, so I had to go take some shots.

Our fir trees are loaded with pine cones.
Today Gary planted the Cretney Lilac tree out by the indoor. What a beautiful addition.

Late afternoon the horses could not decide if they wanted to be in the paddock or the pasture.
In and out, in and out.

Our rose bush continues to go nuts with blossoms.

I actually took a nap this afternoon. When I got up I started making a sweet potato salad for dinner. 1 sweet potato, 3 white potatoes, two hard boiled eggs, onion and green olives. Salt, pepper and celery salt...a splash of Good Seasons Italian Dressing...tossed. Topped with honey mustard and mayo.
Try this one, it is very tasty.
Had all natural franks with beans and a few nasty chips.

After dinner the pups and I went out for a jaunt. Barb did evening chores, so we were on cruise control.

Jenny came up to pick spinach. Sent some home with Barb this morning, and I already picked a bag full. The second row has started coming up, and then we will be in real trouble!

The ponies were hanging out in the barn, so I went and took their masks off before it got dark.

That's it for today. Night all.


  1. sounds like you had a heavenly day. I love your photos from your garden and all your critters too :-)
    and will be trying that potato salad, it looks yummy!

    our weather seems to mirror yours, it's nice to have beautiful sunshine these days

  2. All the flowers, sunshine and green around your home look heavenly. Glad you are having a nice summer.

  3. I enjoyed following you around on your day. Beautiful! Love the horses and the windmill.


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