Tuesday, April 6, 2010


No beautiful sunrise this morning! It was raining and in the 40s. After I grained the horses, put on their rain sheets as we were going to be gone for awhile and I did not want them to get cold.

I needed to pick some fresh flowers for the kitchen table. Such a sign of spring.
We had an 11 o'clock appointment to have our taxes done at the Village Building in Hilton, a neighboring town. What an amazing service. AARP has volunteers that do the taxes and the only charge is for the paper your forms are printed on. $2.00! We were in and out in about half an hour...a refund! How sweet it is!
Afterward we went out for lunch...
a typical townie restaurant. Most of the people there were regulars and everyone knew everyone.
Got home with just enough time to turn on the heat before my class arrived. The house was cold.

Only a couple of students today....
Mel finished his colored pencil drawing of a bird....

and Tina worked on a drawing of snow leopards.
She is also trying to finish up her colored pencil drawing of lilies.
The pups did their thing for some treats. They can't wait for Tina to arrive.

This afternoon some serious rain and thunder came through the farm. I was just getting ready to put the horses in the barn when it stopped and started to get sunny. A warm front arrived and I took off their sheets.

King M's owner (Barb) was doing chores tonight. I am going to love catching a break. She is such a hard worker.
When I was half asleep, Louise called and wanted to know if we were game for going out to dinner! I could not believe that Gary said yes! I am so restauranted out!!!
We went to the Rohrbach Brewing Company.
Home by 8:30 and I have no desire to go out and eat for a very long time. Too much.

The good news...the art show is over, the taxes are done, King M has moved in (and is almost ready to be worked into the herd), the concert with the High School Chorus is over and blah blah blah! I just might have to start taking an afternoon nap!

Night all.


  1. You are too good a cook to be going to all those restaurants!

  2. I mostly stay home to eat - the food is best there (although there's more cleaning up)! We've got rain this morning, and chilly too, so rain sheets for everybody - all 11!


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