Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Still chilly and a strong wind...sheets on.

Chores went quickly...Gary came out to help. Chorus rehearsal today.
I forgot to take pictures while we were there, but got a couple of Main Street while Gary ran into the Lift Bridge for a paper.

Moved more brush to the roadside for pick up, and mowed the lawn.
These beautiful flowers grow like weeds on the South side of our house.
Bathed by the sun, Phoebe and Gucci played for a long time this afternoon.

Got going on a simple dinner.
Salad and pasta with our own garden sauce.

The sun started going down when I went out to do the chores. Gucci was on the inside looking out.

After standing in the wind all day, the horses were ready to come in for the night.

Is that Batman or a horse?????

The picture below is for Kate. This is about as tall as our grass gets (in the pastures). I mow it so there are no nasty weeds to deal with...more like a lawn and not too rich for the horses (have not mown yet). They go there when there is snow and stay on it as we transition into spring. That way, it is gradual and not too rich.
Picked the pasture and got in a little after 8.
This was a long post....whew! Night all.


  1. Love the shots of Gucci looking "out"! he and Phoebe look like they have a lot of fun together too.

  2. With all your wind and cold temps I think I am having better weather. Seems odd. And even with all the cold your flowers bloom. How nice!

  3. It's been sunny here too and really windy..Hope things warm up soon..and the wind leaves town..heheheh..Hope you have a wonderful day..

  4. That sequence with the dogs playing is just perfect. Those two live the good life, good people and a good friend to romp with.

  5. Oh I love the dogs playing and especially when Gucci looks "out" A lovely restful post, as always...

  6. Great photos! You seem to have a knack for capturing the light in interesting, fun ways. It's been relatively warm here (62-70 for highs)and plenty of sun. But today it looks like rain, which we really need, and the wind makes it look like a thunderstorm might be coming.

  7. Gucci has such beautiful eyes. We had that crazy wind here today, up to 30 mph. I wish that I could get my pasture to look as lovely and green as yours. The only good thing about it is that there's not enough grass for the girls to gorge themselves. The grass is definitely greener on the other side of the fence here.


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