Sunday, February 14, 2010


Another grey morning....maybe near 25 degrees. Gary helped me with chores.

Abbe and Masterpiece were vying for the best position at the water trough.

I sure appreciate it when there is not a lot of wind.

Finished up around 9:30 and did a little work in the house.

Made a quick trip (with the pups) to a couple of stores and got home in time for lunch... Then I made some brownies. My friend Karen, her girls and dog were going to pay us a visit this afternoon, so I figured it would be nice to have a treat for Valentine's Day.

When they arrived, they took Yonder for a run down the lane. The snow was deep and required some effort.

Phoebe and Gucci wondered who that big dog was....

Yonder is a sweetheart!

Karen had him running after a ball....

We had a nice time catching up before they had to leave.

Justine and Darrin did evening chores.

For the third night in a row, we were invited out to dinner. This time....Randy and Arlene's.

Another great meal....

By now, you must have figured out that I often take a salad. This one included pears and gorganzola cheese.

Arlene prepared a pot roast and all kinds of vegetables.

After dinner we played Sequence....Arlene and I won for a change.

The dessert was s very moist white cake with a strawberry glaze and whipped cream.

Home by 9:30 and ready for some couch time. Night all.


  1. Looks like you're having our weather - 20s with sun or sometimes clouds - we've got that pretty much through next week. We'll have to try Sequence - looks like fun.

  2. Oh how gorgeous are those horses. I learn so much about them through your and Esther's blog. I loved the Labradoodle with a snowy nose. What a lovely ending to another day on your farm. You make such "different" salads. Have a wonderful week. (((Hugs))) Jo

  3. Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day. Love the photos of your horses and dogs... people too!

  4. You two are such social butterflies. hehe! What a rich and beautiful life you live.

    Hubby and I went out to an Indian restaurant last night in Albuquerque. The food was great and we enjoyed our time together talking and just being together, but we both couldn't wait to get back home and out of the city, back to our little ranch.

    Hoe just feels sooooo good. :-)

    I enjoyed all the trough photos. The tongue photo was so cute!


  5. Arlene's table is set just beautifully. The pot roast sounds so comforting. I've been so sick we haven't had a decent meal here in two survived on cereal I think! The dessert looks yummy, too.


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