Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Woooo woooo! We hit the low 30s today and are headed for 40+ tomorrow. How sweet it is to have a break.

Went out to do chores a little early so I could have enough time for a shower before chorus.

No coats for the pups today.

The sky was pretty grey while I was in the barn.

You all must know the drill by now....same old same old.

Gave Gucci and Phoebe some run around time before leaving for Brockport.

Have you ever known any pups who are more spoiled?

...and sweet....

Today (at Chorus) we got our new music. We are going in a whole new direction....things like Fiddlin' songs, Hernando's Hideway, Tuxedo Junction, Loch Lomond...and more. Our first gig is to sing with the High School Chorus at their concert in March.

At 1:30 Deb came over and we worked with her new laptop computer. We were able to get her online, as I have a wireless capability here at the farm. Hey Roger, we put a photo on her desktop, had her email some photos and checked out the movie "Lassie." When she got home she got back on line on her own. I think she is off and running.

By now, the sky was a bright blue...just a gorgeous afternoon.

The sign below hangs on our back porch. Our daughter, Stephanie, lived in Paris for six months many years ago and brought this home with her.

I spent an hour in front of the fire before I got ready for evening chores.

That great afternoon light drew me outside to take more pictures.

I went across the street to grab some shots of the sun going down.

This is what our house looks from across the was built in 1853. The beams in our basement are big tree trunks that still have bark on them.

Finally got out there to do chores....I outdid myself picking the paddock. When the manure is not frozen, I use a big leaf rake to get it in a pile before I use the fork...tonight it is as clean as a whistle. Fortunately, I pick everyday so it is not a huge job.

In the house for some leftover lomain and a biggie.

I have a question....when you go outside with a digital camera like my Sony Cyber Shot, if it is very cold, do you ever have a black spot show up when you upload your pictures? This has happened to me several times (remember, I am out there for a couple of hours) and I have been able to crop it out some of the time. As an experiment, I took the shot below...the camera was not cold, and NO spot.

Gary is at a Garden Club lecture and I am going out by the fire.

Night all.


  1. Love the skies! And we were warmer today as well - mid-30s into next week. The problem I have with my camera is that when the battery gets too cold, it won't work at all.

  2. Beautiful pictures and a heat wave!

  3. I love to enlarge your shots.

    That black spot is a weird if interesting phenomena. Perhaps you should check some message boards? Thanks for the visit Lori

  4. Your doggies are so cute.
    Wish I could help with the black spot-it's never happened to me. I wonder if it's the weather?

  5. Can you show us a photo with the black spot? Is a shutter not opening all the way? The problem I have is the batteries going dead in the cold. I don't use my "good" camera hardly at all since it has sand in it and desperately needs cleaned.

    Ahh, your sun looks wonderful. 40??? That's a heat wave! We still have twenty below. It isn't supposed warm up for another few days at least.

  6. Your weather is similar to ours. Single digits two days ago and now 40s! I know your dogs will be happy to have warmer weather. I had a Sony and mine would just freeze up in cold weather. I started carrying it in the inside pocket of my down vest (which was under another coat). That way I could keep it warm enough to function. It is a pain to dig it out to take a shot, but at least it works. I wonder if one of those pocket warmer packs would do the trick.

  7. I have no idea about the camera, but fantastic pictures! Your house looks/sounds cool! I love old houses. :)

  8. I thank you every day for sharing your life - wish I were there. B : )


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